Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Resistance Is True Power, and American Hegemony Is Declining

By Najah Mohammad Ali

For decades, the United States and its Western allies have sought to dominate the seas and strategic straits, using false slogans like “freedom of navigation” and “protection of global trade” as a cover for their true objectives: imposing military and economic control over nations and plundering their wealth. Today, this hegemony faces an unprecedented challenge from independent regional powers that refuse to submit. At the forefront of these forces is Ansarallah in Yemen, which has reshaped the region’s conflict dynamics through Its bold actions in the Red Sea.

The Red Sea has always been a strategic corridor for global trade, especially after the construction of the Suez Canal in the 19th century, making it a vital link between East and West. However, this strategic importance has long remained under Western control, dictating global trade routes and imposing restrictions that serve their economic and political interests. But today, the reality is changing. With the escalation of the Zionist aggression against Gaza and the ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people, Ansarallah has taken decisive steps to break this hegemony by targeting ships linked to the Zionist entity. This move Is a show of support for the resistance and a response to the oppression of the Palestinians. It has proven that economic warfare can be an effective weapon against military aggression.

Since the beginning of these operations, Western media and their Arab affiliates have launched an intense misinformation campaign, portraying Ansarallah as “terrorists” or “outlaws,” while ignoring the fact that the Zionist entity itself was built on terrorism and that the crimes committed by the United States and the occupying regime against the people of the region far surpass anything imaginable. The United States, which claims to fight terrorism, is the same country that created and supported terrorist groups across the world, from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. Now, Washington is trying to impose its will on the Red Sea by force, failing to recognize that times have changed and that nations no longer accept subjugation.

Western propaganda has always attempted to depict Ansarallah as an “Iranian proxy,” as if it were merely an extension of Tehran’s agenda. But the truth is entirely different. Iran does not support followers but believes in partnership among allies. Ansarallah is an independent force with a clear vision, prioritizing the interests of Yemen and the region’s nations above all else. It Interacts with Iran as It does with all Its allies in the Axis of Resistance—on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Unlike the United States, which imposes its will on its allies and forces them into submission, Iran cooperates with its partners within a framework of shared interests and common principles. Therefore, American claims about “Iran supporting Ansarallah” are nothing but an excuse to justify its failed aggression against Yemen.

As Ansarallah’s operations escalated, Washington found no alternative but to resort to military strikes in a desperate attempt to Intimidate the Yemeni people and break their will. However, these attacks, carried out by American and British forces, have achieved nothing. Instead, they have only strengthened Ansarallah’s determination to continue its struggle. The airstrikes have failed to weaken Ansarallah, which now possesses an advanced military arsenal, including ballistic anti-ship missiles, drones, and sophisticated unmanned naval vessels. Ansarallah has proven that it is not merely a local force but a strategic player capable of Influencing regional and global equations.

Since the beginning of operations in the Red Sea, global shipping costs have surged, forcing many companies to change their routes, leading to increased travel time and expenses. This development has exposed the fragility of the Western economic system, which heavily relies on trade routes that can be easily disrupted when necessary. One of the most significant indicators of this is the substantial decline in traffic through the Suez Canal due to attacks on ships linked to the Zionist entity. Meanwhile, Asian powers such as China and Russia have gained Influence, using this situation to strengthen their role in global trade.

Since the crisis began, China and Russia have taken a balanced stance, refusing to support U.S. attacks on Yemen and abstaining from voting on the UN Security Council resolution that sought to provide Washington with international cover for its aggression. Some reports have even suggested Chinese-Russian cooperation with Ansarallah to ensure the safe passage of their ships in exchange for logistical and technical support to enhance their military capabilities. This shift confirms that global power dynamics are no longer what they once were, and emerging powers are Imposing new realities on the international stage. Washington can no longer operate under a “unipolar” system, as today, resistance forces are standing their ground, forcing everyone to rethink their calculations.

Beyond the Red Sea, it is clear that this confrontation is not just a maritime battle but part of a broader struggle between the American-Zionist axis of hegemony and the Axis of Resistance, which stretches from Yemen to Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Despite continuous American threats, Ansarallah has demonstrated that strong willpower is more powerful than bombs and missiles and that when nations possess awareness, determination, and weaponry, they can impose their will. Washington and Tel Aviv attempted to extinguish the flames of resistance in Gaza, only to realize that resistance is not confined to one place but Is a unified front across multiple battlefields.

As the Zionist aggression against Gaza persists and as the U.S. continues to support its crimes, Ansarallah and all the free people of the world will continue their struggle for justice and to end oppression, not only in Palestine but everywhere. What Is happening in the Red Sea today is not a temporary crisis but part of a strategic transformation that is reshaping the global balance of power. Ansarallah, once seen as merely a local resistance movement, has now become a regional force capable of imposing new equations and dismantling a hegemony that has lasted for centuries.

The future of the region will not be determined by Washington’s missiles but by the will of the people. Just as America failed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, it will fail in Yemen. The resistance will remain a thorn in the side of all those who seek to impose dominance by force.

A new era has begun, and Its title is: Resistance is the true power, and American hegemony is declining.

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