Thursday, October 03, 2024

Trump Wants To Save Israel From Doom!

Khadijah Ali

Donald Trump, the Republican Party nominee for president, has said that if his Democratic rival Kamala Harris is elected to the White House in November, Israel is “doomed”. Trump is a convicted felon and sex predator, who was president from 2016 to 2020. Harris is vice president in the Joe Biden regime.

Listening to Trump and Harris including in their so-called presidential debate on September 9, one got the impression that they are running for the office of prime minister of Israel, not the president of the United States of America. There is no reason for Trump—or Harris—to worry about whether Israel survives or is doomed, unless of course it is to acknowledge that zio-billionaires control America.

Speaking to supporters in Wisconsin on September 7, Trump said: “If I don’t win this election, Israel, with comrade Kamala Harris at the helm of the United States, is doomed. Israel is doomed.

“Israel will be gone. One year, two years. Israel will no longer exist.”

And Harris in her only face-to-face encounter with Trump said, “Israel has the right to defend itself.” She also ranted a litany of lies about Hamas killing Israelis on October 7, 2023 and the even more scandalous allegation that its fighters “raped Israeli women”. These have been debunked by many sources, including Israeli sources.

Why should anyone care whether Israel survives or disappears? History tells us that countries have disintegrated or disappeared altogether and the sky did not fall. The Soviet Union disappeared, as did Yugoslavia. And Sudan was split into two. Prior to that, empires disappeared. The Roman Empire, the Austrian-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires all disappeared.

Did the world come to an end? So, what is so sacred about zionist Israel, implanted illegally on the land of the Palestinian people, that its doom would cause so much angst among the American elite? In fact, its disappearance would bring about desperately-needed peace to that tortured land and the long-oppressed Palestinian people.

The question that must be asked is: why does Israel’s existence matter so much to Trump or Harris? The American elite have never cared about the existence of any other country. In fact, they have actively participated in the destruction of several.

To understand this, it is important to bear in mind that pro-Israel groups virtually control America. Israeli-firsters occupy important positions in the media. They also have a stranglehold on the American financial system.

The US Federal Reserve Bank is controlled by them. Lest people are fooled by its name and believe that it is a federal government institution, it is not. The Feds, as the bank is commonly called, is a private institution. The majority of its directors are zionist Jews. The same applies to all Federal Reserve Banks in each state.

How is it that a private bank decides how much money to print? In every other country in the world, it is the federal government that controls money supply. Not in the US. Why are a few unelected individuals answerable to no one allowed to control the country’s finances? It is not difficult to surmise that the pro-Israel lobby has a stranglehold on America’s political system.

The most striking example of this can be found in the Joe Biden cabinet. With less than 2 percent of the US population, Jews have a disproportionate presence in the cabinet. The Times of Israel could not conceal its glee when it reported: “All the Jews Biden has tapped for top roles in his new administration.”

This is not surprising. On several occasions, Biden himself has said that he is a “proud zionist”. Despite his Catholic background, he explains, “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a zionist.”

This is one statement that Muhammad bin Salman (MbS), Muhammad bin Zayed (MbZ), General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, King Abdullah II and Recept Tayip Erdogan can all agree on. After all, tens of millions of American Christian-zionists cannot all be wrong!

The US Congress, in the now-famous words of Pat Buchanan, is zionist-occupied territory. Barring a few exceptions, most members of Congress jump when the zionists order them to do so. On July 24, Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the members of Congress, his fourth such address. He received standing ovation virtually every minute.

He should have been arrested for committing war crimes in Gaza. In his one-hour rant, Netanyahu told a litany of lies. Surely, US Congress members were not unaware of these.

Their standing ovations for a war criminal reflect another reality: the pro-Israel lobby led by the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) wields enormous influence on US elections. It has a huge war chest running into hundreds of millions of dollars. Pro-Israel candidates are showered with money; those not sufficiently supportive of Israel are targeted and their reputations trashed.

For the record, AIPAC is not a registered foreign agent. This is contrary to US law yet no one dares raise this subject.

As US Attorney General in the 1960s, Robert Kennedy had demanded AIPAC’s registration as a “foreign agent”. He was assassinated in June 1968. Preceding this was the assassination of President John F Kennedy on November 22, 1963. There is a large body of opinion in the US that holds that Kennedy was assassinated by Mossad agents for his opposition to Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. In May 1963, Kennedy had sent a letter to Israel warning it against acquiring nuclear weapons.

American elections are all about money. As Greg Palast helpfully reminds us, America has “the Best Democracy Money can Buy.” Since the zionists control America’s money supply and AIPAC has a huge budget that no lobby can match, regardless of who “wins”, they are at the mercy of the zionists.

This explains why Netanyahu continues to dismiss American pleas for a ceasefire. It is equally true that the US is not sincere in wanting a ceasefire in Gaza but even if it were, Netanyahu would dismiss it without facing any negative consequences.

The pro-Israel lobby controls America. Nobody should ignore this basic fact.

United StatesZionist Israel

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