Thursday, October 03, 2024

The Muslim World’s Munafiq Rulers

Zafar Bangash

Muslims have been plagued by munafiqs ever since the advent of Islam. They emerged after the Prophet (pbuh) migrated from Makkah to Madinah. This point needs to be borne in mind because it sheds light on the munafiqs’ duplicitous character and nefarious agenda vis-à-vis Islam.

While the word munafiq is translated as ‘hypocrite’ or ‘dual loyalist’, it is a much more sinister and dangerous category of people. Living among Muslims and claiming to be Muslim, their loyalty is only to themselves or their selfish interests. They constantly strive to undermine Islam and its adherents from within.

In Surah al-Baqarah [second Surah] of the noble Qur’an, the qualities of a committed Muslim (referred to in the Qur’an as mumin) are highlighted in four ayats (2-5 inclusive). The next two ayats (6–7) describe kafirs (deniers of Allah’s power and authority in this world).

As we proceed in the surah, Allah exposes the munafiqoon (plural of munafiq) in 13 ayats (8-20 inclusive). Indeed, throughout the noble Qur’an, Allah (swt) exposes them. Surah at-Tawbah, a very powerful surah in which Allah’s Qahr and Jalal come through very clearly, the munafiqs are not only exposed but condemned in very harsh terms.

When the chief of munafiqs in Madinah, Abdullah ibn Ubayy died, his son who was a sincere Muslim, requested the Prophet (pbuh) to lead his father’s janazah prayer. As rahmatul lil ‘alameen (mercy to all the worlds), the Prophet (pbuh) agreed but Allah forbid him from doing so. This command came to the Prophet (pbuh) through revelation.

While the munafiqs are condemned in many surahsat-Tawbah being the harshest, there is also a surah titled al-munafiqoon. There is divine purpose behind such exposure.

He (swt) wants us to be aware of and alert to the treacherous nature of these people residing among Muslims. The kafirs (deniers of Allah’s power and authority) and mushriks (those who associate partners with Allah in His power and authority) are known, so Muslims are on guard against them. The munafiqs, however, are internal enemies and, therefore, much more dangerous.

Lest some readers get the impression that munafiqs existed only at the time of the Prophet (pbuh), they need to disabuse their minds of this notion. Munafiqs have existed in all ages including the contemporary era. They emerge especially in times when Islam asserts itself in society.

Since there are nearly two billion Muslims in the world and the vast majority long to see Islam’s laws implemented in society, this has revealed the true nature of most Muslim rulers. The overwhelming majority are illegitimate. They neither have divine legitimacy because they do not implement Islamic laws in society, nor do they have popular legitimacy, because they lack the support of the people. Thus, in order to continue their illegitimate hold on power, they hide behind claims to being upholders of Islam’s principles and laws.

Let us identify these rulers. Leading the list of munafiq rulers are the medieval clan of Bani Saud. They have illegally usurped power in the Arabian Peninsula. In fact, the British installed them 100 years ago to serve their (Britain’s) interests.

The most disturbing aspect is that these Bedouins from Nejd have also illegally usurped the Haramayn (Makkah and al-Madinah) in the Hijaz to project themselves as being “servants of the two holy mosques.” This is completely false.

Far from being the servants of the Haramayn, they indulge in un-Islamic conduct promoting vulgarity and nudity. Who is unaware of musical concerts and other evil deeds they perform in the Hijaz? Does Islam allow such behaviour? It is such deeds that exposes them and proves their nifaq.

Closely following the Bani Saud are the Pakistani rulers—civilian and military—who are also munafiqs. Before assuming office, they take an oath. In it they say that in the presence of Allah they pledge to abide by His commands and uphold the constitution of Pakistan.

What do they do in real life? They indulge in theft on a grand scale, they oppress the poor and the destitute, usurp their rights and do not think that killing innocent people is a sin. Yet, they claim to be rulers or generals of the “Islamic” Republic of Pakistan. There is nothing Islamic about Pakistan. It is a cesspool of corruption, oppression, deceit and dishonesty.

Here are other rulers who fall in the category of munafiqs. General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, King Abullah II of Jordan, Muhammad bin Zayed of Abu Dhabi and a number of others who belong to this nefarious category. They are more at ease in the company of zionist mass murderers than sincere Muslims.

In fact, all these rulers have declared war on committed Muslims. In Egypt, they overthrew a legitimately elected government aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood and killed hundreds of its members including women and children. Mohammad Mursi, the first-ever elected president in Egypt’s entire history was arrested and murdered—yes, we are using the expression murdered—by denying him medication in prison.

He died in a cage while brought to trial. When President Mursi complained of chest pains, the court as well as the regime’s minions dismissed his plea saying he was faking illness. He collapsed in his cell and because of lack of medical attention, died there.

This is what the brutal regime does to its opponents. There are some 60,000 political prisoners in Egypt suffering horrible torture.

The regime in Abu Dhabi is no less brutal. It has also banned the Muslim Brotherhood. Why do these regimes fear Islamic political parties? It is in reality their fear of Islam that leads them to such cruel acts.

While these rulers claim to be Muslims and even build Cathedral-type mosques to project an image of being “pious” and serving Islam, in reality they serve their imperialist and zionist masters. In the case of UAE, we can also now add idol worshipping Hindus!

As far as the putative ruler of Jordan is concerned, while he tolerates the Islamic Party, he keeps it under strict surveillance. His father King Hussain was a CIA agent, installed in power by the British. The so-called kingdom is little more than a US-zionist colony. Not surprisingly, he is opposed to any expression of Islam even though he claims to be the “Custodian” of Masjid al-Aqsa.

When we have US-zionist agents and absolute munafiqs as supposed custodians of Islam’s holy places, is it surprising that the enemies are able to occupy them so easily? The zionists are now openly calling for the destruction of Masjid al Aqsa. What is the munafiq ruler of Jordan going to do about it?

For Muslims and the global Islamic movement, the path forward is clear. The first step is to identify the munafiq rulers and their hangers-on and then deal with them the way Allah ordered the Prophet (pbuh) to do. “O Prophet! Strive hard against the deniers of the truth (kuffar) [concerning Allah’s preponderant power and overwhelming authority] and against the dual loyalists (munafiqs), and be adamant with them. And [if they do not repent], their place to stay shall be Hell—and how a vile journey’s end” (Surah al-Tawbah [9], ayat 73).

Muslim Rulers

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