Monday, December 02, 2019

Wrong French address to public opinion

By Hanif Ghafari

The French Foreign Minister has called the accession of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and Belgium to the European Special Financial Mechanism(INSTEX) an indication of "Europe's commitment to a nuclear deal with Iran"! These ridiculous statements indicate that the French still intend to continue their joint game with the United States of America against the Islamic Republic of Iran. This dangerous, albeit unpredictable, game was started and continued by U.S. and French Presidents (Trump and Emmanuel Macron) in year 2017.
The fact is that the only reason for the crisis has been the departure of the United States from an international agreement. On the other hand, Donald Trump's government has imposed sanctions against Iran, which has shown little commitment to international treaties. In such a situation, the White House must return to the nuclear deal in the direction of the exit from the swamp, and the United States must also lift its sanctions against Iran and offset the damage that has occurred in the last year. The Trump government should also apologize to the international community for leaving the JCPOA.
the Islamic Republic now sends a firm and clear message to the west, exactly 18 mounts after U.S. president, Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from its nuclear deal with Iran.
At this point, it seems that Iran has made a wise decision. Over the last year, the European troika has not only done anything to revive the nuclear deal or bring any kind of benefit to the Iranian nation, but they have actually backed up US by developing new plans to undermine Iran’s “missile work”, and diminish its “power in the region” as well as its “nuclear technology”.
Elysée officials are well aware of Instex's inefficiency. They are also well aware that due to US policies and pressure from the White House, it is virtually impossible for Instex to work. Therefore    Jean-Yves Le Drian and other French officials are trying to convey the wrong and inaccurate address to public opinion around the world! France, which has falsely called itself a "mediator" for resolving the Iranian nuclear crisis, is one of the pillars of the Trump administration in the international system. A bitter truth that many French people have accepted!

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