Thursday, December 26, 2019

EU Policies Don’t Tackle Refugee Crisis, Help Ultra-Right to Beat Others Soon

EU Policies Don’t Tackle Refugee Crisis, Help Ultra-Right to Beat Others Soon
TEHRAN (FNA)- From the Far East to the Middle East and beyond, many long-suffering nations are still bearing the brunt of America’s endless war, state-sponsored terrorism, economic terrorism, permanent occupation and resource theft.
The effects of these US-backed conflicts and deepening and fragmenting landscape highlights how ending the endless war as well as adhering to international law and governance with short and long-term efficiency should become normative when dealing with all these contemporary challenges and crises.
The so-called European refugee crisis from late 2014 and its aftermath have come to symbolize such an emergency situation. They are the reasons why Europe is no longer willing to help the “World’s Sheriff” to continue its misadventures in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They have also lost big time in the processes of America’s endless wars and military occupations.
Strange enough, the refugee crisis and its socio-political impacts in Europe has allowed far-right parties to take advantage of nationalistic values, with migration viewed through the lens of security - limitation of refugee flows and the fight against terrorist groups – law and order, while the centre-left have had to bridge the working class’s fear of cheap labor and economic competition with the middle-class’s liberal socio-cultural preferences.
The European Union’s reaction towards the Syrian-Middle East refugee crisis and its aftermath cannot be seen as a political crisis reaction per se, since the solutions it initiated to manage migration built on existing legislation and practices, helping to consolidate these emergencies in order to nationalize migration politics. This was a huge mistake.
There is a clear political red line between addressing so-called root causes and managing the refugee crisis by securing external borders and preventing movement of war refugees. What we are witnessing is rather a political crisis and intentional inaction, which have lasted at least since 2001. The crisis is the reason why European Western policies are still unable or unwilling to help to end America’s endless war and military misadventures in the Middle East, especially in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.
The EU’s refugee crisis and migration policies have, with their primary focus on securitisation, come to symbolize a harmful politicization of humanitarianism, which seems to persist into the New Year period and very like beyond. In the following years, little progress will be made towards a unified European refugee and migration policy. As a result, EU countries would very much continue to support America’s endless war in the Middle East and beyond, especially its sanctions regime and economic terrorism against countries that are not on the same page with Washington and the Zionist regime of Israel.
The time is now for the EU countries to search for a new strategic rationalist raison d’être for their common foreign policy, through attempting to politically solve the ongoing crises in the Middle East and ending their devastating support for America’s endless wars and military occupations that they all know have only worsened terrorism and extremism not just in the region, but in Europe.
Sadly enough, the EU has failed to solve the structural and systemic impasse in approaching migration flows and refugee crisis, which will not end by continuing to support America’s wars and military adventures, including economic terrorism earmarked by economic sanctions and financial restrictions.
There are clear misinterpretations and ambiguities in Europe’s war-on-terror agenda towards migration and refugee crisis, which have toxically been coined with security politics of Washington. Europe has no choice but to find a common ground and work towards a genuine security union with other countries which are at the forefront of the real war on terrorism and extremism, including Iran, Russia and China.
EU countries should work even more closely with countries like Iran to tackle human trafficking, drug trafficking, secure borders, optimize effective returns and tackle root causes of refugee crisis through all-inclusive initiatives that put an end to endless wars and permanent military occupations in the region.
The EU’s current interaction with Iran, China and Russia and partnerships of border control are narrow and ultimately self-eroding. Its policies do not tackle any root causes of the current refugee crisis. By aiding Washington to continue its self-serving wars and occupations, they risk limiting international accountability and aggravating the situation in the Middle East - some of the actual root causes of Europe’s current refugee crisis and growing insecurity.
If present EU rulers continue their current subordination to the US, they will soon see themselves removed from power and replaced by far right.

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