Saturday, July 13, 2024

UN Watch is a Zionist regime asset

UN Watch, which claims to be human rights NGO that promotes human rights for all, in actuality runs cover for the Zionist entity and promotes Western imperialism.

It is hardly surprising that there's a complete lack of transparency about who actually funds UN Watch.

  • UN Watch is a Zionist regime asset 
    UN Watch is a Zionist regime asset
     UN Watch is a Zionist regime asset

The Dutch parliament offered a rare opportunity to cross-examine a leading figure from the Zionist movement recently.

Hillel Neuer appeared before a parliamentary committee, arguing that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency should be shut down, thus contributing directly to the genocide in Gaza.

Neuer was politely asked by MP Danielle Hirsch, of the Green Social Democratic Alliance, to disclose from where his lobby group UN Watch gets its funding.

I have tried to find those data on your website and couldn't find it. So maybe you can enlighten me.

 Who are your main funders?

How do you remain independent from those same funders?

And can you tell us about your relationship with the Israeli administration and if you receive any direct or indirect funding from the Israeli administration?

Dutch MP Danielle Hirsch

Hillel Neuer was immediately on the defensive and launched his own attack on the MP.

The answer is we receive no money whatsoever, directly or indirectly, from Israeli administration.

This is a Hamas propaganda point that has been propagated in particular by Hamas-affiliated group called the Palestinian Return Centre, and we get no money from any governments.

So I take note that the member hasn't challenged any of the points of fact that we have, and the only thing the member can try to do is to throw mud, but it doesn't stick.

We are one of the leading human rights organizations at the United Nations.

Hillel Neuer, UN Watch

Danielle Hirsch was candid in her response...

I asked some very clear, factual questions. I'm not throwing any mud; I'm trying to understand where your funding comes from.

Normally it should be on your website. I'm asking for things that are normal for any organization.

Dutch MP Danielle Hirsch

Neuer is then asked by the chair to reveal the funding, which he pointedly refuses to do.

The funding, if I'm allowed to continue, our funding only comes from private donations that are made from around the world.

These are made in Switzerland, America, Europe, and Australia - all around the world.

 I could give you the names of the donors. But I think that you might expose them to all kinds of threats.

Hillel Neuer, UN Watch

The incident showed the absolute refusal of Zionists to be held accountable for their activities. The point blank refusal to reveal even one donor is extremely instructive.

The idea that asking for transparency is akin to Hamas propaganda is obviously nonsense.

The attempt to smear the London-based Palestinian Return Centre is in reference to a recent report compiled by the lobbying watchdog, Spin Watch.

The report was co-authored by Professor David Miller, and not in fact by Hamas, its contents make interesting reading and do not support Neuer's claims.

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