Thursday, October 24, 2024

Iran’s Undisputed Sovereignty Over Persian Gulf Islands

By: Kayhan Int’l

It is rather strange of certain sheikhdoms and unrepresentative regimes of the region to try to stir up trouble with Iran when Palestine is in the midst of genocide and a holocaust is about to be unleashed upon Lebanon.
The Zionist entity, ever since its illegitimate birth in 1948 following two decades of the rape of Palestine by its British sire, has never ceased its organized massacre of the indigenous Muslims and Christians people, yet these regimes, instead of defending them are attempting to distract the Islamic Republic from its active support for the oppressed.
Recently, a joint statement issued by the European Union (EU) and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) again laid a mischievous claim to three of Iran’s islands in the Persian Gulf.
Tehran has denounced this latest divisive move saying the UAE or any other Arab state should not let the enemies talk about such things and set the region on fire, in view of the fact that Bu Musa, Tomb-e Bozorg and Tomb-e Kuchik have been an integral part of Iran since time immemorial.
The EU, as part of its hostility with the Islamic Republic and its complicity in the US-directed crimes against humanity of usurper Israel, has deliberately embarked on a misguided and perilous path, and some Arab states seem to have taken the bait.
The intention of the US and certain European regimes is to stir up the issue of the three islands as an excuse to justify their presence in the region.
Iran, however, stands firm, and will never allow any party to meddle in its internal affairs. 
The said three Persian Gulf islands as per countless historical, legal, and geographical documents in Iran and all over the world have been part of Iran for more than two millennium. It was only in 1971 the UAE was created by Britain.
Bu Musa, Tomb-e Borzorg, and Tomb-e Kuchik had fallen under British control in 1921, but on November 30, 1971, a day after British forces left the region and just two days before the UAE was to become an official federation, Iran restored its sovereignty over the islands.
In short, on no account will Iran allow any party to try to violate its territorial integrity, as well as its principled support for the oppressed people of Palestine, Lebanon, and elsewhere.
In other words, the Zionist entity, the US, the EU, and any other meddler should understand that their nefarious designs will never succeed.

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