Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Israeli failures and lack of solutions

 By Batool Subeiti

BEIRUT - Netanyahu’s speech to Congress and the theatrical clapping received each minute can only be categorized as the American establishment is seeking to put a good face to the Israeli occupation entity’s failures.

Neither a “victory” for the Israeli military on the ground could be presented nor any solutions for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. It reflects how the regime has no direction in the face of existential crisis nor any post-war plan. Netanyahu’s speech at Congress displayed inherent weakness. He had nothing to speak of except an alleged “Iranian threat” as he begged for the need to form an “Abraham” alliance to protect the fragmented entity. Rather than fulfilling its functional role, that is protecting Western interests in the strategic West Asia region, it is now seeking protection for itself in the name of fighting Iran. 

In contrast with the Israeli occupation entity's weakness, the coordination and unity among the resistance fronts are so strong that America is avoiding escalation or a regional war with them. Washington is aware of the difficulty of confronting the axis of resistance. It is easier to deal with a stable and strong entity than a failure, and the American solution to sideline the axis of resistance has constituted a failure in every measure. 

American ships are fleeing Yemeni waters, fearing Ansarallah to target them. It is noteworthy that recently Ansarallah hit the heart of the Israeli occupation entity successfully. This is while the Islamic resistance movement in Lebanon has launched drones across the most sensitive areas inside the occupied territories dubbed the Hudhud operation, which is no less effective than physically striking the regime. Since the start of the Gaza war, the Iraqi resistance movement has also been targeting sensitive American bases, in particular Ain Al-Assad. Despite nine months of war, the occupation entity has been unable to locate and defeat the Gazan resistance forces within an area of 360 km2. Superficially, it should have been a relatively easy task given the technological and intelligence support that it is receiving. That the axis of resistance cannot be overcome implies that the Gazan resistance movement can guarantee its interests.

Given these realities, the West’s need for the Israeli occupation regime will naturally and incrementally be reduced over time. The entity will shrink to match its true size. It cannot be given a role greater than what it can perform competently. While the occupation entity under Netanyahu rejects Palestinian control over Gaza and seeks direct control, America and certain Western powers are seeking the two-state solution and are focused on pushing their projects forward. This includes the formation of a new government in Gaza, in hopes of weakening the Gazan resistance and continuing with targeted and limited operations on the ground. 

America is less concerned with ending the war. It is primarily focusing on pushing its solutions forward to create the conditions for a political settlement and at the same weakening the Gazan resistance movement as much as possible. America has been pushing for a non-permanent ceasefire in stages, as the political settlement requires the Gazan resistance to be under blackmail through limited and targeted operations against it.

In the same way that the American occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan led to failures, the Israeli project, which has been lasting for 7.5 decades, has also proven a failure. Therefore, America must forego the grand strategies it had visualized for West Asia.

The disintegration or disappearance of the entity is happening over the course of time and lobbying efforts for the occupation entity in the West are aimed at protecting the Western interests rather than “Israeli” interests, given that the regime is a Western project.

The entity can only survive if it plays a subservient and functional role to its Western masters, considering it was created to protect Western interests.

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