Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The US Ought Not to be Trusted

By: Kayhan Int’l

The Father of the Islamic Revolution who delivered the nation from American hegemony had described relations between the US and Iran similar to that of a rapacious wolf and a gentle sheep.
Thanks to the Late Imam Khomeini (RA) foresight and astuteness in turning Iran into an impregnable bastion the US has over the past 45 years failed to tear apart the Islamic Republic despite the most criminal sanctions in history against any country.
In fact, today Washington is on the retreat from our part of the world despite the desperate bid to order the illegal Zionist entity to massacre the defenceless people of Gaza.
In view of this reality, the question arises: Will the US give up its satanic attitude and come to terms with the humanitarian values espoused by Iran in the interest of the region and the world?
This seems to be a million dollar question. Most analysts doubt Washington will ever have a change of heart, even though its devilish designs have come to naught, whether against a resurgent and rapidly developing Iran or against the people of our part of the world.
Nonetheless, the Islamic Republic, as part of its diplomacy and peace for all, hopes that in the future a defeated and demoralized US will realize the folly of its inhuman policies.
When the illegitimate Zionist entity ceased to exist, the US will have no other choice except to adopt a conciliatory attitude towards Iran and the world, but not as a superpower and only as an ordinary country of the vast community of nations.
Most probably there would not be any country called the United States of America spanning the entire central part of North America, but scores of republics from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts.
In the meanwhile, members of the Axis of the Resistance who will indeed increase in number in the coming years will definitely continue their liberation campaigns against usurper Israel and the hegemonic US.
One important point to note is that Washington can no account be trusted. We have bitter experiences of US lawlessness, the latest being the breaching of the JCPOA in 2018, in addition to the continued obstruction of all peaceful solutions to end the holocaust in Gaza.

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