Saturday, July 13, 2024

American democracy: Voters to pick between two poisons, strychnine or cyanide

By Shivan Mahendrarajah

In the past, Americans could argue that they possessed a vibrant democracy. But no longer. A “simple lie” was stripped bare on the world stage on June 27, exposing a “complex truth”: American “democracy” is represented by two repugnant geriatrics yelling at each other.

They are the least-liked major party candidates in three decades. Aleksandr Dugin compared Donald Trump and Joe Biden at the debate to the animated TV series, “Beavis and Butt-head”—two teenagers described by Rolling Stone “as thunderously stupid and excruciatingly ugly.”

On November 5, a country of 325 million people will be forced to choose between a felon and sexual deviant, dubbed the “Orange Gangster” for his orange spray-on tan and criminality; or “Genocide Joe,” the dementia-addled and adult diaper-wearing chief of crime family

The American “two-party system” lie was exposed as a one-party system. Julius Nyere, the late president of Tanganyika (later Tanzania), said the United States “is also a one-party state, but with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.”

A wag on social media said the candidates were like Coke and Pepsi: no substantive difference discernible to ordinary people purchasing a fountain soda to wash down their burger and fries, although fanatics will insist on the superiority of one brand of soda above the other.

The major American political parties, Democrats and Republicans, have foisted two unlikeable and incompetent candidates on the public.

American voters must pick between two poisons: strychnine or cyanide.

The presidential candidates

Trump has already been convicted in New York State with further charges pending, including state criminal charges in Georgia that neither he (as president) nor the governor of Georgia can pardon.

The prospect of a sitting president being incarcerated and conducting executive duties from inside a state or federal prison is not far-fetched.

The situation with Biden is much worse. His physical health has declined: he cannot ascend or descend stairs and has had many public falls, and he is known to wear adult diapers because of his inability to control bodily functions; hence his nickname, “Grandpa Poopy Pants.”

Biden’s cognitive decline has been manifesting for years but denied by the White House and sycophants.

However, his mental incapacity was exposed to the world on June 27. It is clear today to even his staunchest allies in Democrat-controlled mainstream media that Biden cannot continue in office and is unlikely to complete four years in office even if re-elected.

Time magazine’s post-debate cover pictured Biden with one word: “Panic”. The New York Times editorial board opined that Biden “Must Bow Out of the Race.”

Republicans, not surprisingly, seek to invoke Section Four to the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution, which allows for the removal of a president who “is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

This brings up another major concern: Kamala Harris will become president if Biden is removed but she is incompetent and suspected inebriate, and known for her “word salads,” that is, inability to construct a cogent sentence—probably due to the suspected alcoholism.

Congress’s choice is to continue with a mentally defective (Biden) or replace him with a mentally defective (Harris). Fear of a Harris presidency generated a dark joke among Americans: “if Biden dies in office, the Secret Service has orders to shoot Kamala.”

Who has been running the country during Biden’s presidency and deteriorating physical and mental health? Who is directing the military when the “Commander-in-Chief” does not know what day of the week it is? Who has control of the “nuclear football” (nuclear weapons launch codes)?

Americans should be afraid. Very afraid.

On the “good news” side, both candidates are united in dutifully serving the interests of Israel. Both have been bought by AIPAC and major Zionist donors.

Biden constantly professes his love and loyalty to Israel, although Trump, who was bought by Miriam Adelson—widow of Sheldon Adelson, a man who wanted the US to drop nukes on Iran—assuredly loves Israel more “bigly” than Biden.

One-party system (“Uniparty”)

Disenchanted Americans refer to the two parties as the “Uniparty”: united in war-mongering; and sending billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and Israel, and American soldiers to die in wars in countries that most Americans cannot find on a map.

The “Global War on Terrorism” (2001-21), or the “Forever Wars”—embittered American veterans and their families, and non-military families, who witnessed lives and limbs lost, and trillions of dollars dissipated, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.

Meanwhile, infrastructure in the US—city metros, railways, bridges, highways, tunnels—crumbles; inflation and rents spiked, leading to an increase in the homeless population.

The border with Mexico is wide open; millions of illegals are contributing to increasing social and economic costs. Crime, homelessness, and disrepair in cities have made life unbearable for ordinary Americans.

Yet, the ‘Uniparty’ has billions for Ukraine (ca. $180 billion) and Israel (ca. $35 billion). The national debt, most of which was accumulated during the Forever Wars, is $35 trillion.

The $215 billion for Ukraine and Israel, and the trillions expended in the Forever Wars, could have improved the overall quality of life in America and alleviated misery among the homeless and those who depend on public funds for food.

Until recently, both parties had social and economic agendas that they touted, which became platforms at their respective conventions. They no longer pretend to care about Americans.

The only entity that the Uniparty works for is Israel. Since October 7, 2023, legislative bills have been introduced in Congress by Democrats and Republicans to condemn Iran and Hamas, “support” Israel, provide US taxpayer-funded benefits to Israelis, ban TikTok for allowing free speech, and to prevent “antisemitism” (i.e., criticism of Israel).

Bill “H. Res. 771: ‘Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists’,” is a prime example of pro-Israel idiocy by American legislators who should be legislating for US taxpayers, not Israelis—who are not taxpayers but recipients of tax dollars.

No bills have been introduced to provide support to American veterans of the Forever Wars or the homeless, to reduce inflation and poverty, to develop decrepit infrastructure, or to seal the southern border from foreign invasion.

A viral meme in social media among Americans is “the only borders that Congress cares about are Israel’s borders.”

American politicians and media sneer at the Iranian political system, calling elections “rigged” and approval of candidates by the Constitutional Council “undemocratic.” That’s not the case.

However, millions of Americans believe that Biden was not elected in 2020; and that the vote was rigged to deny Trump re-election. Today, due to panic over Biden’s mental incompetence, Democrats are feverishly hunting for a suitable candidate to replace Biden (and Harris).

An “Assembly of Oligarchs” may pick Biden's replacements. Whoever is selected will support the military-industrial complex; and be vetted by AIPAC for loyalty to Israel.

The Iranian presidential debates revealed candidates with diverse views on both domestic and foreign affairs. They held five debates in the first round and are now engaged in a fresh round of debates in the runoff election, demonstrating their intelligence and knowledge.

The same cannot be said for the United States.

Dr. Shivan Mahendrarajah is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He was educated at Columbia University and earned his doctorate in Middle Eastern and Islamic History at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of peer-reviewed history articles on Islam, Iran, and Afghanistan.

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