Thursday, June 13, 2024

Growing Trend of Recognition of Independent State of Palestine in the World

Strategic Council Online - Interview: An expert on international issues said China's position on recognizing the Palestinian state is not a new issue, but this agreement and cooperation in the global trend will strengthen the position of supporting Palestine and forming an independent Palestinian state.

In an interview with the website of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations about the agreement of some European countries and China to recognize the independent state of Palestine, Rahman Ghahramanpour said: After the October 7 operation and the start of the Gaza war, America and Europe decided that the Palestinian issue should be placed on the agenda of their foreign policy and Europe because they realized that they could no longer ignore it. Therefore, the United States and the UK were among the first governments to declare that the two-state solution is the only sustainable solution, in their opinion. Therefore, the official recognition of Palestine is not against the desire of the United States, and it is most likely done in coordination with the United States.


In response to why America itself does not officially recognize the Palestinian government? he replied: America could not do this before other governments because of its restrictions against the Israeli regime and because of the influence of the pro-Israel lobby in America. However, its declared policy said the “two state” solution is the most stable way. Still, the US has delayed the application of this policy and implemented it to gain Tel Aviv’s satisfaction to some extent and not to increase pressure on the Israeli regime. That is, while the Israeli regime is under the pressure of global public opinion if it adds pressure to this wave, it will weaken its position in the international space and does not want to join this wave at this point. However, America knows that the Palestinian issue cannot be sidelined and ignored.


At the same time, considering America’s special relations with the Israeli regime, it seems that Washington is waiting for the policy of recognizing the Palestinian state within the Israeli regime to be accompanied by some kind of consensus or for Netanyahu to withdraw from his policy, or for an inclusive government to be formed in this regime to reduce the opposition of the Israeli regime to the two state solution. This international affairs expert said about the announcement of the recognition of Palestine by some European countries, which was unprecedented in its kind, that Norway has set its foreign policy based on moral principles and adherence to human rights, and because the killing in Gaza is a clear violation of human rights. The Norwegian government had to take a stand on this matter. That is, from their point of view, recognizing the Palestinian state is one of the ways that can end human rights violations in Palestine. Norway is a country with medium international power. Next to it, countries like Australia, Canada, Belgium, and Slovenia believe that their power in foreign policy is due to adherence to international norms and that something should be done about it.


Spain’s approach to this matter differs; Spain has a left-wing government, and the Socialist Party has been in power for several years. At the domestic level, opposition to the Israeli regime has been widespread, and on the other hand, Spain and the Israeli regime have historical issues that go back to the migration of Sephardic Jews from Spain to the Occupied Territories and their differences over this issue. He continued: Regarding Ireland, it should be said that the recognition of Palestine by this country is not independent of the position of England. A few months ago, the British Foreign Minister announced that documents related to Resolution 242 about the formation of two governments would be removed from the archives. Ireland has also taken steps in this direction.

Ghahramanpour said that the countries that independently declared in Europe that they recognize Palestine and are trying to advance this issue within Europe actually support the two-state solution. He clarified: It seems that considering the differences between European countries on the Palestinian issue, the European Union has finally decided to deal with each country’s Palestinian issue at its own discretion.


A few months ago, in a meeting between the European Union and Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, one of the European officials announced that we have a serious disagreement with the United States on the issue of Palestine, and we also have disagreement within the European Union, but we have to do something. This expert on international issues stated: Regardless of how many European countries have announced that they recognize Palestine, this issue in the European Union’s grand strategy can be justified based on the Union’s adherence to liberal international norms because it is one of the foundations of the European Union’s foreign policy. It is adherence to international norms, and human rights are one of them. Countries are trying to act based on this principle and say that the liberal order is still established as a principle.


He said there seems to be no difference between Europe and America regarding the recognition of Palestine and the formation of two governments. America, France, and Germany did not raise the issue of agreeing to the formation of two governments simply because of the limitations and type of relations with the Israeli regime and in order not to put more pressure on this regime in this situation, and they separately opposed the advancement of this issue by the European countries. This step of the European countries is the beginning of the process that will lead to the recognition of the Palestinian state at the international level.


Regarding China’s agreement with the recognition of the Palestinian state,  Ghahramanpour said: China has been in favor of a two-state solution in the past, but because it has not played a significant role in the Middle East and has not had a serious and effective presence in the peace negotiations, its position has not been seen much. China was not present in the quadruple group of Palestinian peace talks with the Israeli regime, i.e., the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations. For this reason, China’s position is not new. It is unlikely that China will increase its activities in the Palestinian area. Still, in the global trend, this agreement and cooperation is important and strengthens the “recognition of Palestine” position.

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