Thursday, June 13, 2024

Drop of accusations against Iran


TEHRAN - In a note, Jam-e-Jam addressed the June 10 verdict by Canada’s Ontario Superior Court of Justice that says Ukraine International Airlines is legally responsible for paying full compensation to the families who lost loved ones in the downing of UIA Flight 752 in Iran in January 2020.

The paper said: After the declaration of the crash of the Ukrainian plane and the death of all its passengers (in January 2020), the opposition media tried to incite the people against the Islamic Republic by emphasizing the role of human error in the occurrence of this incident so that they can put international pressure on Iran. Even during the protests of 1401(2022), they always tried to put the international community and most importantly the people of Iran against the Islamic Republic. But now the Ontario Court of Justice has condemned Ukraine International Airlines to pay full compensation to the bereaved families. The important point in the ruling is the drop of the accusations against Iran that were raised over these four years regarding the Ukrainian plane accident. In this ruling, it is clearly stated that before the flight of the airplane, the Iranian skies were on alert and that Ukrainian Airlines (UIA) was negligent in this regard.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: Unprecedented rise in Iran-Russia ties through comprehensive agreement 

In an article, Donya-e-Eqtesad highlighted Moscow’s commitment to finalizing the comprehensive cooperation agreement with Iran during a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Iranian acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani on the sidelines of the BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting in the central city of Nizhny Novgorod. It wrote: In January, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that a new intergovernmental agreement that reflects an unprecedented increase in Russia-Iran relations is in its final stages. In the framework of this agreement, Iran is supposed to receive some Sukhoi 35 fighter planes from Moscow. The new agreement between Iran and Russia is comprehensive in various areas of cooperation, including political, regional, international, economic, security, intelligence, cyber, defense, and others. According to Mahmoud Shouri, a Russia expert, the Russians have always complained that the Iranians are delaying the documents too much. Therefore, it seems that a kind of media and public opinion pressure from the Russians is on the agenda for Iran to sign and implement this document as soon as possible. With the current situation, the future government will probably welcome this agreement and will need it, even if it has a different attitude.

Ham Mihan: Power politics in the South Caucasus

In an interview with Hassan Beheshtipour, an analyst on Eurasia affairs, Ham Mihan discussed the tension in the South Caucasus and wrote: South Caucasus is known as a place for power politics by regional and international powers. One of the most important issues raised regarding the failure of peace efforts in the South Caucasus is the conflicting interests of foreign actors in the region. Some regional and extra-regional powers are competing in the South Caucasus to break the hegemony of the other.  For example, Iran and Turkey are rivals in the region.  On the other hand, the Western powers in the South Caucasus are trying to disable Russia. The West's policy is to exclude Iran from any cooperation, block Iran's geopolitical interests, and not allow Iran to engage with other countries. In the South Caucasus, we saw that the Westerners undermined the implementation of the Azerbaijan-Iran-Turkey energy connection project and are trying to prevent Iran from entering regional cooperation.

Iran: BRICS and the precious heritage of the sitting government

In an analysis, the Iran newspaper attached great importance to Iran’s success in joining BRICS with the efforts of the 13th government, the sitting government. The paper said: Iran's acceptance into BRICS was because it has the ability and will to challenge Western unilateralism and defy the narrow-minded and destabilizing circle in global management. The 13th government, with a detailed understanding of the changing world order and by using smart diplomacy, succeeded in adopting a balanced approach to foreign policy, occupying a special position in the group of great economic powers and gaining prestige for Iran. For this reason, Iran's membership in BRICS can be considered a precious heritage that was achieved with the correct approach of the 13th government. The active participation of Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Bagheri in the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Summit conveyed the message that the Islamic Republic of Iran is insistent on continuing the approach adopted in 2021 despite the loss of its president and foreign minister.

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