Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ambiguities and Prospects of the New US Plan to End the Gaza War

Strategic Council Online: - Opinion: US President Joe Biden recently presented a four-and-a-half-page plan to establish a ceasefire and end the Gaza war. After his speech at the White House, the American President announced that the Zionist regime proposed this plan. Hamid Khoshayand, an expert on regional issues

The said plan, which Biden has published its details on his social page, is similar to a previous scheme by Egypt, Qatari, and the United States. It has three stages:

The first phase includes a complete ceasefire for six weeks, the withdrawal of the Zionist regime forces from populated areas in Gaza, the release of women and children and the delivery of the bodies of some prisoners, the return of Palestinian civilians to their homes in Gaza, and an increase in humanitarian aid to 600 trucks per day.

The second phase includes the permanent end of hostilities, interaction for the release of the remaining prisoners of the Zionist regime in exchange for the release of all Palestinian prisoners, and the withdrawal of the forces of the Zionist regime from Gaza.

The third phase includes the major plan for the reconstruction of Gaza and the delivery of the bodies of the prisoners to their families.

Although Hamas has stated that it has a “positive view” of Biden’s new plan, there are also important issues that should be included in it. Meanwhile, sources in Europe and inside the Zionist regime have announced that after Joe Biden’s speech, Netanyahu, who has major concerns about his political future, gave a cold shoulder and “backed off” from the three-stage plan he himself had proposed.

In this regard, Netanyahu’s office issued a statement emphasizing that the war will not end unless all its goals are fulfilled. The new plan has points to consider, the most important of which should be mentioned.

One: Currently, there is no expedience higher than establishing a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and ending the war. Even Hamas and the Islamic Resistance have been doing their best for months to realize this important matter.

Two: Establishing a ceasefire is at the top of the goals of the Palestinian Resistance and allied countries, but in any ceasefire plan, Hamas’s “four conditions” must be observed, which are entirely reasonable and “include” preventing the resumption of any war and aggression.

Any proposal put forth must be based on a permanent ceasefire, the complete withdrawal of the Zionist forces from the Gaza Strip, the reconstruction of Gaza, and the return of the refugees. Hamas is also ready to “interact” with this framework; otherwise, there is little hope for the success of the proposed plans.  It is not only “unrealistic” but also contrary to the interests of the Palestinian people and the people of Gaza.

Three: Although the new ceasefire plan has strong points and Hamas has endorsed it, there are still “serious doubts” about it, which can be seen in the “contradictory reaction” of the Zionist regime. Considering the interests of only one party is not only “unrealistic” but also contrary to the interests of the Palestinian people and the people of Gaza.

The first issue is that the official inclusion of Tel Aviv’s ideas, which include amendments to the previous US-Egypt-Qatar plan, shows that the mentioned plan, before being American, is an Israeli one presented as an American proposal. The official announcement of the ideas of the Zionist regime, which includes amendments to the plan of Egypt and Qatar, is proof of this fact. Secondly, if the new plan was really proposed by the Zionist regime and within the framework of America, then Netanyahu should have accepted it instead of immediately taking an opposing position and emphasizing the continuation of the war until the full realization of its goals.

This is a “complex contradiction” that well reveals the “coordinated game” of America and the Zionist regime in the Palestinian issue and the dimensions behind the curtain of the so-called Biden plan.

The second issue regarding the plan’s ambiguities is Biden’s insistence on its implementation, which is mainly influenced by the internal developments in the United States rather than the horrific crimes that are taking place in Gaza. To put it more simply, before seeking to establish a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, Biden seeks to curb internal protests and adjust the tense political atmosphere and public opinion inside the United States, making it difficult for him to win the upcoming elections.

The third issue is that in the latest plan, there is no mention of the political future of Gaza, the future of Hamas, the formation of an independent Palestinian state, and making Netanyahu responsible for the killing of more than 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza.

The fourth issue is about the first and main stage of the plan, according to which a large number of Zionist prisoners should be released, and in this case, an important part of the Zionist regime’s demands will be realized. After the release of the prisoners, there is no longer any guarantee that the second stage of the plan will be implemented, even in the situation that currently the most significant pressure of domestic public opinion against Netanyahu’s war strategies in Gaza comes from the families of the Zionist prisoners, which turns this issue into a factor of pressure against Netanyahu.  Therefore, there is no guarantee that when all the Zionist prisoners are released, and the pressure factor is removed, the war will not resume.

The fifth issue is the discussion about the withdrawal of Zionist forces from residential areas. In a situation where 80% of Gaza is uninhabited, it has not been determined which areas will include residential areas and based on what mechanisms and criteria will be determined.

The sixth issue that is important is about not specifying the future status of the Salah al-Din (Philadelphia) axis on the southern border of the Gaza Strip with Egypt and the Rafah crossing and the sovereignty over it and the “Natsarim” axis and its borders, which are still undecided.

In any case, what is clear is that Biden’s plan on paper is full of “ambiguities,” and until these ambiguities are resolved, one should not expect its success. Meanwhile, Hamas’s acceptance of the said plan is mainly based on its positive points, and it can be seen in the statements of Hamas leaders that the Biden plan, although somewhat desirable, is not a strong plan.

It is not accompanied by a guarantee of political and legal implementation. America and the Zionist regime think they can throw the ball in Hamas’s court, while the ball has been in their court for months,

In any case, it is clear that Biden’s plan on paper is full of “ambiguities” and that until these ambiguities are resolved, one should not expect success. Hamas’s acceptance of the mentioned plan is mainly about its positive points. In the statements of Hamas leaders, it can be seen that the Biden plan, although desirable to some extent, is not a strong plan with a guarantee of political and legal implementation. America and the Zionist regime think they can throw the ball in Hamas’s court while the ball has been in their court for months.

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