Thursday, June 27, 2024

Here’s Why The US Is Unable To Secure A Gaza Ceasefire

Robert Inlakesh 

Source: Al Mayadeen English

The Palestinian resistance have turned Gaza into a graveyard for its invaders, while Lebanese Hezbollah pummels their military sites and burns the northern settlements 

It’s time to be serious about the reasons behind the US government's inability to secure a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. This comes down to unrealistic expectations, a refusal to concede a loss, incompetence and a pro-Israeli Lobby that controls many levers of power. 

Weeks have passed since US President, Joe Biden, spoke in favor of a ceasefire and presented an Israeli proposal as “a road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.” Not long after this, the American military provided a supporting role to the Zionist military operation in Gaza’s Nuseirat, which allegedly resulted in 3 Israeli captives being killed and 4 re-captured, but most notably inflicted a civilian massacre that killed at least 274 Palestinians, injuring around 800 others.

The US temporary pier project, which was supposed to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, has been removed for a third time from the besieged coastal enclave, following allegations that immediately after its previous re-attachment it was used during the Nuseirat massacre. This project cost the American taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars and has barely facilitated a trickle of the much needed aid, calling into question its true intended application.

On top of all of this, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, traveled once again to West Asia on a trip that was publicly announced to be geared towards concluding the ceasefire proposal that was voted through by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Blinken immediately decided to put himself in front of the cameras and tell the media that the Israelis had accepted the proposal and that Hamas was hindering its implementation due to their inability to answer “yes or no”. However, Hamas, unlike the Zionist entity, were the only side to actually issue a legitimate response to the UNSC’s resolution on the ceasefire proposal.

At this point, when the Secretary of State began openly lying and making excuses for the Zionist regime, it was clear that his administration had given up on the proposal and were preparing themselves to continue protecting the Israelis publicly. The Zionist regime never accepted the ceasefire, which was allegedly their own, with not a single one of their leaders issuing a statement uttering an acceptance. In fact, the very opposite has been the case, while Hamas has welcomed the ceasefire push and responded positively, the Zionists have been repeatedly asserting their desire to continue the genocide in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has repeatedly made it clear that his intention is to pursue the destruction of Hamas and only ever issued statements regarding releasing the Israeli captives. 

All of this was so predictable, because Netanyahu has no incentive at all to end the war in Gaza, other than the threat of a wider regional war. The US government supports him no matter what he does. So he need only shrug off any pressure coming from a rather weak and pathetic American administration that will unconditionally support the Zionist regime at any cost.

There are, however, layers to this catastrophe from the US government's side. Starting with the fact that Washington cannot accept the impending strategic defeat it faces and wishes to try to extract a win by any means necessary. The United States is now experiencing the shrinking of its influence in the region, as a new multi-polar order emerges where nations around the world are given other economic partners as alternatives to the tyranny of the American so-called “rules based world order”. This order is rooted in maintaining the cultural and physical supremacy of the collective West, where Washington commands the world as the dominant liberal democracy that seeks to teach everyone else how to behave. 

In line with attempting to hang onto the idea that they are still living in a world that resembles the period immediately following the Cold War, they clearly believe that the Palestinian cause will die down in its popular support and that they can return to a similar situation to the one that existed prior to Al-Aqsa Flood. In line with this way of thinking, to which the Arab client regimes still also desperately cling, the US continues to pursue Arab regime normalization with the Zionist entity. This way of thinking is predicated on the idea that Hezbollah, Ansarallah and the Palestinian resistance will suddenly disappear, which is out of touch with reality. 

The Palestinian resistance have turned Gaza into a graveyard for its invaders, while Lebanese Hezbollah pummels their military sites and burns the northern settlements, meanwhile, the Yemeni resistance has succeeded in consistently embarrassing the US naval forces and imposing its blockade on the Zionist entity. 

While the US could end this war any time it chooses, it is filled with incompetent and money-driven careerists who are incapable of long-term strategic thinking. If the Americans shut this war down earlier on, there was a window of opportunity to save their own power, image, and at least temporarily the future of the Zionist entity. Now, they have undermined both their own future and the existence of the Israeli regime in ways that are irreversible.

Joe Biden is essentially a human vegetable, who is clearly not physically capable of commanding such an important international issue at a time when other major geopolitical challenges are also ongoing. Perhaps if the self-professed Zionist was mentally sound and not simply a shell of his former self, he could have had more of an impact, beyond placing himself in front of cameras to deliver pro-Israeli propaganda.

Then we have Antony Blinken, who is tasked with standing up to Benjamin Netanyahu and is failing abysmally, assuming he is even employing the courage to try at all. The Israeli PM is a man that is well connected in the United States, not only with the billionaire class there, but also with the intelligence services too. Netanyahu is many things, a liar, a war criminal and a certified narcissist, but he isn’t stupid and knows how to operate from his position of power in a way that no other Israeli politician can. Blinken is clearly in no way cut out for the task in front of him and presents himself as a weak, incompetent, Secretary of State.

Although there may be people in the Biden administration who see the predicament they currently find themselves in and seek to maneuver strategically, they are clearly incapable of leading their government to a position that would save its own interests.

If we look at the elected officials, the vast majority of the US Congress and Senate are bought and paid for, whether this is by the military-industrial complex, AIPAC, or both. These officials are therefore useless, serving only their special-interest donors and/or seeking to climb the ladder of political power as the parasitic social climbers they are. Then we have both major Parties, who are heading towards a national election in which they need every billionaire and special-interest group to donate. 

What the US’s current state of politics does is ensure that pockets are lined on all sides; however, you can’t run a successful country on the whims of mega-corporations and billionaires with special loyalties. It appears that a combination of weak politicians, incompetency, cognitive decline in the case of the President, the Israeli lobbying efforts, delusional misconceptions about their own capabilities, combined with a racist lack of regard for Palestinian life, has allowed for Washington to bow down to the demands of the Israeli PM.

Unfortunately, the approach that the US government adopted after October 7 of permitting a genocidal assault in order to try and save the image of the defeated US-Israeli regional alliance, continues.

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slowly sinks to the bottom of the ocean, so too does he drag down the Zionist entity, while grabbing onto the hand of the US, pulling both down with him. Washington, meanwhile, holds on and chooses to believe that air bubbles exist at the bottom of the ocean. 

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