Sunday, July 12, 2020

Eternal war against humanity; Historical roots (1)

BY: Pooya Mirzaei *
Eternal war against humanity; Historical roots (1)
If the Jews attribute their lineage to Jacob - Israel - the Israeli adjective has a relative and racial dimension and is attributed to the racial lineage from which it originated and depends, and only those who have the Israeli ancestry could take this adjective.

NOURNEWS - Nearly 4000 years ago, a group of Semitic people left their land, somewhere in Mesopotamia in the cross point of Tigris and Euphrates, starting a journey that took place alongside the human history but against humanity. The story of eternal war against humanity starts here:
The children of Israel ( then divided into 12 tribes) are the remnants of tribes that first inhabited southern Mesopotamia about 4,000 years ago, then migrated to the land of the Canaanites (Phoenicians) and then to Egypt.
They were oppressed in Egypt and converted to the religion of Prophet Moses (pbuh)  about 3350 years ago with the advent of him, and were relocated to Canaan again by him, during a famous migration.
They established their first government in the same land about 3,000 years ago. Later, as a result of the invasion of foreigners and civil wars, 11 of those 12 tribes perished or merged as slaves in the Jewish people. The people who are now attributed to the children of Israel are, in fact, the survivor descendants of the Judah (  יְהוּדָה ) who was, according to the Book of Genesis, the fourth son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב,).  In this case, what is certain is that the Jewish people are attributed to Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. But in the time of Prophet Joseph (pbuh) in Egypt, this people were called the children of Israel, which was the title of Jacob, and for this reason his children were called the children of Israel.
Jacob was nicknamed Israel, and the believers of Holy book interpret this compound name as follows: one who prevailed over God, but the original meaning of it in Hebrew is as follows: one who overcame a hero ‌. According to the Torah, Jacob's wrestling with God, which led to his victory over God !!!, is the reason why he was nicknamed Israel.
But Shaykh Tabarsi writes in the "Majma 'al-Bayan"  (مجمع البيان ) about this: "Israel is the same as Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Ibrahim (pbuh)". He says, " Isr" means " servant " and “ Eal” means God  (like “ El” in “Elohim” a name for God used frequently in the Hebrew Bible), and this word collectively means "Abdullah  ( Servant of God ) , (عبدالله )". 
Now, if the Jews attribute their lineage to Jacob - Israel - the Israeli adjective has a relative and racial dimension and is attributed to the racial lineage from which it originated and depends, and only those who have the Israeli ancestry could take this adjective. Israel is attached to the Prophet of God (Jacob) or descendants of his twelve children. If a person is not related to Israel and his / her appointment is not proven, he / she is not an Israeli and even if he / she is religiously a Jew, cannot be assumed the attribute of Israel. In this sense, every person who is a Jew does not have to be an Israeli because being an Israeli is related to ancestry, and if a Jewish person’s racial descent is other than the children of Israel, he/she is not an Israeli because an Israeli is a relative and tribal adjective. Considering this explanation we can see that, the adjective Israeli does not contain any religious meaning because it is only a racial and tribal connection. That means, not every Israeli person is a believer, and his being an Israeli never brings him closer to God, and only brings him closer to God when he believes and follows the prophets.
But the Israelis use this adjective as a tool for lying, slandering, and abusing the Jews, so that they give this adjective a real meaning that if they have a special privilege in the sight of God, and being an Israeli is the basis of their glory and superiority over other nations. In their view, every Israeli is beloved by God because he is an Israeli, and they are God's chosen people so God Almighty has subdued and subjugated all the people of the world for them. The people of other tribes are nothing but slaves to them, and the reason for all this is that they are not Israeli!!
According to this preface, the core point in Israeli view (which has been called Zionism from the end of nineteenth century) is a completely racial approach and it is regardless of being Jewish based on Prophet Moses religion. This view point contains very important reality inside that sometimes has been ignored by scholars and experts: when someone can be Israeli regardless of being Jew, so there are people who are Israeli but are not Jew, they can be Christian Israeli or even Muslim Israeli or almost Atheist Israeli. This truth is the main key to the most of racial interactions around and behind Zionism and has been transferred to different forms of Zionism including Christian Zionism. This also can be seen in an interconnection context with other racial viewpoints such as Imperialism so that when reviewing historical facts, there is an unwritten alliance between different forms of Zionism and Imperialism from its initial forms to the contemporary and modern forms of Imperialism. Considering this truth and these connections, with a new approach to reread the core and crucial moments in history, international relations, political and social trends from thousands of years ago, can open new doors and horizons in mankind existence and history.
* Pooya Mirzaei is Director General of NOURNEWS English, he is expert in MENA issues.

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