Saturday, September 21, 2024

Beyond elephants and donkeys, Blacks, Latinos & Muslims (BLM) find hope in the Green Party

By Mohammed Khaku - Crescent International

America's Animal Farm: Of Elephants and Donkeys, no intelligent form of life detected!
The US needs a viable third party.

The Green Party, with its commitment to the environment, social justice, and grassroots activism, has made a significant impact on US politics.

US's brazen pro-Israeli policy on Gaza suggests voter turnout of Blacks, Latinos and Muslims (BLM) will be large.

This is especially important in the seven swing states which will ultimately decide who enters the White House in January 2025.

Green holds a sacred significance in Islam, often associated with Khidr, ‘the green one,’ a pivotal archetypal figure in Sufism.

Green also symbolizes paradise.

It embodies the eternal and tranquil essence of the faith, as reflected in the symbolic use of the color in Islamic architecture—such as the Dome over the Prophet’s final resting place in Madinah.

Environmental Stewardship and Nature in Islam

The racist policies of both the Democrats and Republicans are detrimental to BLM.

The 2020 census revealed that Pennsylvania’s population includes 12.4% African Americans, 18.7% Latinos, and over 724,475 Muslims.

These demographics represent a significant voting bloc, potentially large enough to establish a third party.

It is no surprise that Kamala Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, a lawyer, visited Lehigh Valley to appeal to Black, Latino and Muslim voters.

Should BLM vote for Harris or Trump?

The relationship between BLM voters and the Democratic Party seems to have frayed.

This group of voters and students are shifting their allegiance to the Green Party.

AIPAC allocated $20 million to oppose Rep. Jamaal Bowman and $10 million against Rep. Cori Bush in the Democratic primaries, both of whom are Black.

This would hardly motivate African Americans to vote for Harris?

The Democratic Party has embraced Trump’s harsh immigration policies by deporting migrants at the border and failing to pass the DACA bill, potentially leading to the deportation of over 600,000 immigrant students.

This raises the question: should Latinos vote for Harris?

Images and videos are powerful storytellers. The recent ones emerging from Gaza are profoundly disturbing.

They raise the question: should Muslims vote for Harris?

It is important to clarify that the race is not limited to just two candidates.

In addition to the main party nominees, Jill Stein represents the Green Party, and the academic, Cornel West is running as an independent as well as Libertarian party in the election.

The ill-informed American voters now have a choice between a baboon who is a convicted felon and notorious sex predator, and a woman of color who has a zionist spouse.

You can’t “out-zionise” that!

This year’s presidential race is like a circus with two distasteful clowns within a corrupt political system.

Trump’s statements regarding a potential third world war, coupled with Harris’s rhetoric about Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’ and the continued supply of billions of dollars’ worth of weapons, concern many voters.

They believe the US political system is defunct and controlled by zionist Israel.

A recent survey revealed that 63% of Americans believe a significant third party is necessary.

Americans are clamoring for another political choice because the two-party system has failed to serve them.

It is imperative for voters to break the zionists’ stranglehold on the American political system by supporting a viable alternative: the third Party.

If voters choose not to vote for the Green Party, it would mean supporting sending billions of tax dollars to zionist Israel.

They will have the blood of innocents on their hands.

Voters should reject the elephant (Republican Party symbol) and donkey (Democratic Party symbol).

Those who vote for the Green Party, independent or libertarian candidates will be on the right side of history.

The two parties’ loyalty and devotion to zionist Israel are hastening America’s downward spiral of economic and spiritual collapse.

Jill Stein and her running mate Butch Ware, an African educator, are emerging as significant figures in this election.

Despite lawsuits by Republicans and Democrats aimed at preventing the Green Party from appearing on ballot in all states, there is concern within the two major parties that the Greens could divert enough votes to affect a potentially close race.

In a recent interview with Azad Essa from Middle East Eye,Stein remarked, “I believe the chaos in US politics is a perfect storm for unforeseen changes. And I think, if the American people had a choice, they would not endorse these two ‘zombie’ candidates that are being forced upon them.”

She also stated unequivocally that should she become president—an event she admits is improbable—she would, on her first day in office, call Israel and demand an immediate cessation of hostilities in Gaza.

Furthermore, she committed to halting all arms deliveries to Israel and insisted on the withdrawal of its forces from the occupied Palestinian territories back to the 1967 borders.

A conscientious voter should choose to support Jill Stein if they believe that neither the Democratic nor Republican parties represent their views.

This is particularly critical regarding military-industrial interests, foreign policy stances related to Israel, the environment and loyalty to the zionist entity.

Regardless of who enters the White House, the Zionist War Party will win.

The circus will continue for the next few weeks to entertain American voters.

Jill Stein People, Plant Peace

Donald TrumpJill SteinKamala HarrisUS ElectionsGreen Party

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