Tuesday, August 20, 2024

US Hypocrisy of Truce to Prolong the Gaza Genocide

By: Kayhan International

It is the height of hypocrisy for the US to pose as mediator or a party to the talks of the ever-elusive ceasefire in the 10-month long invasion of Gaza by the Zionist entity and its Washington-directed genocide, which has so far led to the death of 40,000 civilians and injury to a hundred thousand others.
How can the principal perpetrator of the holocaust of the Palestinians pretend to be a peacemaker in an uneven war that has reduced Gaza to rubble? 
From day one of the Israeli attack on Gaza on October 8 on the unjustified excuse to respond to the right of the persecuted Palestinians to launch Operation Al-Aqsa a day earlier, Iran has called for peace and punishment of the aggressor.
It took the UN a long time for urging truce and ceasefire, which the Zionists and their terrorist American backers have never wanted to implement by playing a game of deceit with certain Arab states in order to fool the world public opinion.
It is clear ‘Genocidal Joe’ or more properly ‘Biden the Butcher’ is lying when he says the talks involving Qatar and Egypt (but not the Palestinians themselves), are close to bearing results of ceasefire.
Hamas, the Palestinian liberation movement that has faced the brunt of the brutal Zionist onslaught and has bravely withstood the mass massacre of civilians to deprive the cowardly aggressor of any victory, has rightly refused to agree to any cease on the terms and conditions set by the Zionist invader.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of its selfless efforts for peace and stability in the region has warned about “the deceit and dishonesty” of the criminal Israeli regime and its most important supporter, the United States.
Iran’s interim Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri Kani issued the warning in a telephonic conversation with Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdur-Rahman Aal-e Thani on Friday in his second conversation with the latter in 24 hours.  
He was responding to a joint statement issued earlier on that day by the US, Qatar and Egypt claiming ‘constructive’ and ‘serious’ talks were in Doha for ceasefire in Gaza. 
The US, which supplies hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons to the illegitimate Zionist entity and is shielding usurper Israel and war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu from the verdicts issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC), cannot be trusted for any solution to end the sufferings of the Palestinian people.

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