Friday, August 30, 2024

Israel Katz: Foreign minister or “deception minister”

 By Matin Jamshidi

TEHRAN - Israel's foreign minister has called for the ejection of Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank as the occupation forces launched a major offensive on the occupied territory on Wednesday. 

"We need to address the [terror] threat exactly as we deal with terror infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian civilians and any other step needed," Israel Katz wrote on X shortly after the raid began.

The ulterior motive behind such remarks is to depopulate the Wet Bank from the Palestinians or turn the occupied territory into another Gaza.  The term “temporary” is just intended to deceive the international community.

It is widely believed that extremists in Israel want to make the remaining Palestinian lands a place where its native inhabitants would not be able to live. The statement by Israel Katz is in line with the settler violence against the Palestinians in the West Bank.

It is noteworthy that the suggestion to evacuate Palestinians from their homes is being made by the regime’s foreign minister and not mad dogs like Itamar Ben-Gvir or Bezalel Smotrich.

In politics, a foreign minister should work for peace and not fan the flames of violence. However, Katz is a “deception minister” and not a foreign minister. He utters what his master Benjamin Netanyahu has in his vicious mind.

Ofer Cassif, a member of the Israeli Knesset, says the assault on the occupied West Bank has nothing to do with Israel’s security and that “fascists like Netanyahu … Smotrich and others are not interested in the security of anyone including the Israelis.” Talking to Al Jazeera, he said, “They are interested in the subjugation of the decisive plan, which boils down to annexing the Palestinian, the occupied Palestinian territories, deporting the Palestinians from their homeland and killing them.”

Allowing so much violence against Palestinians by settlers and creating so many limitations for them has no justification otherwise an evil plan is underway.

The vicious plan to make Palestinians leave their homes and farmlands in the West Bank is in tandem with colossal damage in the Gaza Strip. If there had been no plan to make Gazans leave the coastal enclave there was no need for so much devastation and crimes there.

The extremists in Israel are using the October 7 attack by Hamas on southern Israel as a pretext to advance their project to depopulate Palestine from its native people.

Israel has already made the Gaza Strip inhabitable for its residents. Dropping tens of thousands of bombs on the small enclave and causing so much rubble that the UN says would take 15 years to clear are primarily intended to make the strip unlivable.

Now that the 360 square kilometer enclave has become almost unlivable those Israelis who want the entire Palestine have turned against the occupied West Bank. The Zionist hardliners have been formulating a complete annexation of the West Bank in their minds since 1967.

Had they not wished to appropriate the entire West Bank, they would not have been regularly ordering the construction of more settlements on the remaining Palestinian lands through these long years. Building homes on the Palestinians' lands has been going on unstoppably in different administrations. However, it has been expedited under the current coalition government which includes ministers such as Amichai Eliyahu who has called for nuking Gaza to Smotrich who has said

stopping humanitarian aid to Gaza is “justified and moral” even if it causes 2.3 million people to die of hunger.

Yet, implementing the vicious plan of annexing the entire Palestine is just an illusion. The more pressure on any nation, including Palestinians, will make them more resilient, determined, and even uncontrollable.

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