Friday, August 30, 2024

China warns Israel seeks to turn West Bank into ‘another hell on earth’

China’s representative to the UN Security Council has given his comments on the latest Israeli military operations in the occupied West Bank.

Here is a translated summary of what he said:

  • “In the occupied West Bank Israel continues to violate international law and [UN Security] council resolutions.”
  • “[Israel’s] settlements continue to grow and it ramps up searches, arrests and raids against Palestinians.”
  • “The Israeli military launched a large-scale military operation targeting Tulkarem, Jenin and Tubas among others in the West Bank … China strongly condemns this.”
  • “Senior Israeli officials in the government recently spoke of using the same approach in the [occupied] West Bank as they have employed in operations in Gaza … We are shocked and seriously concerned by such extreme remarks that risk global condemnation. Gaza has now been turned into hell on earth.”
  • “We must never allow the same humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza to happen in the West Bank, which will turn the West Bank into another hell on earth.”

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