Saturday, August 31, 2024

Busts of martyrs of service unveiled in Tehran

TEHRAN-The 5th group exhibition “Heaven’s Garden” was inaugurated at the Abolfazl Aali Art Gallery of the Art Bureau in Tehran on August 28, with the unveiling of busts honoring the martyrs of service, alongside the display of ten large-scale sculptures.

The unveiling ceremony showcased busts of four notable figures including former President Ebrahim Raisi, sculpted by Mehdi Dehghanizadeh; former Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, sculpted by Morteza Aryan; former governor of East Azarbaijan Province Malek Rahmati, sculpted by Morteza Dashtjerdi; and former Friday prayer leader of Tabriz Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, sculpted by Nader Qashqai, Mehr reported.

In a tragic helicopter crash, President Raisi and other officials lost their lives en route to the provincial capital city of Tabriz in May. The incident occurred as a result of dense fog in the region.

Among the highlights of the exhibition is a piece by Ali Asghar Youzbashi, inspired by the valor of Hazrat Abbas (AS). This sculpture incorporates elements such as a shrine, water, and a keffiyeh, symbolizing the arrival of Qamar Bani Hashim at the Euphrates River and his refusal to drink from it. Youzbashi describes the work as a representation of sacrifice, reflecting the lessons of selflessness and dedication that Hazrat Abbas (AS) exemplified during Ashura, the day Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions were martyred in the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE.

Hazrat Abbas (AS) fought as the standard-bearer of his half-brother Imam Hussein (AS) in the Battle of Karbala against the army of the Umayyad caliph Yazid ibn Mu'awiya. He was killed in a desperate attempt to bring water from the Euphrates river to quench the unbearable thirst of the besieged family of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Hazrat Abbas (AS) is said to have inherited the boldness and bravery of Imam Ali (AS), and was praised by Shia Imams for his faith and fortitude in defending Imam Hossein (AS). Hazrat Abbas (AS) is regarded by Shia Muslims as an ultimate paragon of courage and self-sacrifice.

Another significant piece at the exhibition is “Mourning,” a sculpture by Qodratollah Memarian, which pays tribute to Imam Hussein (AS).

The exhibition commemorate the profound contributions and sacrifices of both historical and contemporary figures through the medium of sculpture.

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