Saturday, August 24, 2024

Only 70 “Haredis” out of 1100 Complied with Draft Army Orders!

By Al Ahed Staff, Agencies

Only 70 “Haredis” out of 1100 Complied with Draft Army Orders!

“Israeli” media confirmed that only 70 ultra-Orthodox Haredi “Israelis” reported to the recruitment office in occupied Al-Quds on Wednesday, despite over 1000 draft orders issued by the so-called "Supreme Court" last June over a dangerous shortage in forces.

This comes as the entity’s War Minister Yoav Gallant instructed the military to issue 3000 draft orders to members of the “Haredi” community in three separate waves.

Since then, 1100 draft notices have been sent out, but only 70 Haredim complied, the media outlet noted.

Hundreds of “Haredi” Jews demonstrated near the “Israeli” military recruitment office in occupied Al-Quds on Wednesday.

“Israeli” police stated that dozens of protesters engaged in rioting, blocked nearby roads, and attempted to throw public garden fences at officers.

According to “Israeli” media, the “Haredim”, while calling the police “Nazis and filthy,” attempted to breach police barriers to the recruitment office while blocking “Jaffa” Street.

The court’s decision, reached by unanimous vote, followed assessments indicating that the “Israeli” occupation is facing severe manpower shortages due to its ongoing 11-month war on Gaza. Additionally, its brigades are deployed in the occupied West Bank amid growing Palestinian Resistance, and northern occupied Palestine in preparation for potential escalations with Hezbollah, which joined Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on June 8.

For decades, ultra-Orthodox men of military age have avoided “Israeli” army conscription by enrolling in “yeshivas” for Torah study and obtaining repeated one-year service deferrals until reaching the age of exemption.

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