Wednesday, July 10, 2024

UN response to missile incident in Kiev 'double standards'

Russian envoy

UN response to missile incident in Kiev 'double standards'

TEHRAN, (MNA) – UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres displayed double standards in his reaction to the latest incident in which a missile hit a hospital in Kiev, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya told reporters.

"I visited UNSG after that stakeout and gave him the same quotes that I was reading out to you, telling him that these are clearly double standards - when the Russian territory is hit, and civilian objects are hit, the reaction is very flaccid. But, when something happens in Ukraine, UNSG and his spokesman are rushing to condemn Russia right away," Vasily Nebenzya said, TASS reported.

In a statement on July 8, Guterres made an unjustified statement that Russia delivered a strike on civilian facilities in Ukraine. During the July 9 media briefing his spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that despite Russia’s refuttal, the organization continues to stick to its previous opinion.

Ukraine accused Russia of striking civilian facilities in Kiev, particularly the Okhmadit hospital. Moscow denied these allegations as untrue and said the hospital was hit by a stray Ukrainian air defense missile.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that in retaliation to Ukrainian attempts to attack energy facilities inside Russia, a precision strike was carried out on July 8 against Ukrainian military facilities and airbases, and the goals of the strike were accomplished. The Defense Ministry said photos and videos from the scene confirmed that the destruction was caused by a falling Ukrainian air defense missile.

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