Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Yemen dismantles espionage network linked to the US and Israel

ALWAGHT- Yemeni security forces have disrupted a wide-reaching espionage network alleged to be operating on behalf of the United States and Israel, amidst the nation's military backing of Gaza in response to Israeli aggression.

On Monday, Yemen's Security and Intelligence Service revealed the discovery of a significant espionage network operating within multiple government departments over the past eight years.

Major General Abdul Hakim Hashem Al-Khaiwani, the head of Yemen’s Security and Intelligence Service, announced during a televised address that "The uncovered network gathered crucial information across different domains and conducted direct technical espionage operations on behalf of enemy intelligence services to access sensitive, sovereign data."

Security authorities disclosed that the network, led by the US and Israel, had enlisted officials within the Yemeni government to sway decision-makers and penetrate state institutions.

The operatives also conducted activities aimed at spreading diseases to undermine Yemen's healthcare system and promoted actions deemed as "moral corruption" to destabilize the country's education system.

Authorities further noted that the network had supplied intelligence to the US and Israeli armed forces, enabling assaults on Yemeni infrastructure used to target ships associated with Israel and the US in regional waters.

This disclosure emerges as Yemen is actively involved in significant military campaigns against Israel, the US, and Britain, lending support to Gaza in its resistance against Israeli aggression, which has resulted in the loss of over 37,000 lives in Palestinian territories since October of last year.

Yemen initiated targeting of Israeli-affiliated vessels and ports in November, subsequently expanding drone and missile attacks to include US and British vessels following airstrikes by these nations on Yemen to halt its anti-Israeli operations.

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