Sunday, June 23, 2024

There is no consensus in the Security Council against Iran


TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan addressed Grossi's complaint about the lack of consensus of the UN Security Council against Iran's nuclear program.

It wrote: Grossi repeated his previous claims that the IAEA has lost its point of view on key aspects of Iran's nuclear activities and claimed that having such an insight is necessary to confirm the civilian nature of Iran's nuclear program. Analysts say that the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency played the main role in preventing the revival of the JCPOA negotiations and created a difficult obstacle in this direction. The Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly stated that the actual return of the other party to the nuclear agreement will be the main precondition for returning to the cooperation mechanism set in the JCPOA. According to Grossi, the IAEA can technically involve the Security Council in this case, but this action will not be useful because Russia can use the veto power to prevent action against Iran's nuclear program, and this is one of the negative consequences of the current geopolitical tensions and a backward step compared to the past.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Canada's pandering to the Zionist regime

In an action against Iran in order to flatter the Zionist regime, Canada included the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in the list of terrorist groups. Canada put the IRGC, which is the center of the fight against terrorism, on the list of terrorist groups, but this country has a black record against humanity, including the genocide of 150,000 native children. In addition, this country continues to discriminate against the natives, and the soldiers of this country have committed countless crimes in Afghanistan. Also, for many years, Canada has been the center of gathering and support for terrorist groups and embezzlers, but now, in an action aligned with the United States and in a favorable direction to the Zionist regime, the IRGC has been put in the list of terrorist groups, while Canada should be condemned for the crime of state terrorism. According to Kazem Gharibabadi, the secretary of the human rights council, it is a bitter irony that a country that is one of the major violators of human rights and one of the supporters of terrorism has put the IRGC's name on the terrorist list.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: Expanding foreign relations and solving the crisis of sanctions in the 14th government

In its note, Donya-e-Eqtesad investigated the challenges faced by Iran. The paper said: Iran's economy and society are going through critical days. Cruel sanctions in the past years have had serious negative effects on Iran's economy. Although economic activists and governments have tried to keep Iran's economy strong by evading the sanctions, it cannot be hidden that the sanctions have imposed heavy costs on various sectors of the society, including the economy. The expansion of economic diplomacy, the expansion of relations with the neighbors, the wide presence in the target markets, and the resolution of political disputes are the ways to get rid of this situation. For example, the expansion of the government's diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia in the past months or the resumption of political relations with Egypt can become models for the development of foreign relations. It is a basic principle in the world economy that no country has been able to achieve the desired economic development and growth without extensive international relations and economic diplomacy, and the future government should put this on its agenda.

Jam-e-Jam: Opposition media and Iran's elections

In a commentary, Jam-e-Jam addressed the destructive role of the opposition and Persian-language media. It wrote: These media have played a destructive role in all periods of the elections, from denigrating to creating social unrest. But what happened in the 2024 elections was the unification of the enemy including the opposition and all kinds of enemy media (monarchist, secular, separatist, etc.) to reach a unified program, and their goal is to reach an agreement under the title of "boycotting the elections." The foundation of this division and disappointing approaches is based on some livelihood challenges in order to take revenge from the Islamic Revolution by putting pressure on the Islamic system. But the people have carefully understood that the content of these media is the enemy's message and no one has the competence and ability to rule over their destiny except themselves. The opposition media, by planning an anti-election discourse, is trying to target the national will of Iranians, but Iranians have shown that despite the differences in tastes and also having serious questions from the officials, they never prefer the enemy to security, interests and national unity in crucial situations.

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