Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Resignations Rock Genocide-Backing Biden Regime

By: Kayhan Int’l

The barbaric duo of Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, both self-acclaimed Zionists with a penchant for genocide of the Palestinians, seem unmoved for the moment by the resignation from the US ruling regime’s ranks of a senior official of the State Department.
Genocidal Joe or Biden the Butcher, as the US president has earned notoriety for his brutal role in supplying hundreds of billions of dollars of the most lethal weapons to the illegal Zionist entity for continuing the holocaust in Gaza, has so far lost the support of at least a dozen key officials of his regime.
Yet he keeps sending on deceitful missions to West Asia, to the capitals of Arab states toeing Washington’s line, to pressure the unrepresentative heads of state to continue their stealth relations with usurper Israel.
This diabolical policy has jolted the conscience of a growing number of US politicians and they have started to criticize the Biden regime for its complicity in the crimes against humanity of Israel.
Andrew Miller who currently runs the Israeli and Palestinian portfolio at the State Department is set to leave in the coming days as the US-supported genocide of Gaza continues to rage in its ninth month.
Miller feels burned out despite his expertise on the region, including having served as the Director for Egypt and Israel Military Issues at the National Security Council during the Obama administration.
Of the dozen US government employees who have publicly resigned in protest over the genocide in Gaza was the recent exit of Stacy Gilbert, a career diplomat at the State Department with more than two decades of experience.
She said she resigned in protest at the regime’s heavily doctored report that said Israel was not impeding the delivery of humanitarian support to Gaza.
Tracy called it full of lies, saying that “the subject matter experts who were working on that report were removed, it was moved up to a higher level.”
Miller has yet to cite the exact reasons for his decision to depart, and all these resignations indicate that the Biden regime is breaking apart because of the blind inhuman support of the US for Israel’s terrorism.
It is worth noting that Miller’s central role in the Biden regime’s executive order issued in February that resulted in sanctions against Zionist individuals and groups involved in violence in the West Bank, angered the illegal Zionist entity, which pressured its comrades in Washington to remove him.
Many more officials of the Biden regime are openly expressing their discontent of the Gaza genocide as well as the Washington regime’s brutal behaviour against student protests throughout the US in support of the liberation of Palestine from the West Bank of River Jordan to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

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