Saturday, June 22, 2024

Scott Bennett: USA Desperate to Trigger War with Iran, Russia, and China Simultaneously

Former US army officer, Scott Bennett,indicated that the Russian President Vladimir Putin must be given a peace Nobel prize because Russia has tolerated the US antagonism of supporting Ukraine in this risky war.

In an interview with Anomicage Website, Bennett stressed that the West has waged an insane proxy war against Russia, adding that the Russian military power will certainly defeat eventually the the Ukrainian and European governments.

Bennett noted that the European people are expected to overthrow and humiliate their governments over supporting Ukraine, adding that the proxy war will starve the Europeans .

The ex-officer affirmed that the US officials and powers are concerned with “triggering wars with Iran, Russia, and China simultaneously” in order to gain the support of all the Americans to their faulty decisions.

Bennett indicated that the United States resorts to lies in order to justify its wars against its enemies, warning against repeating the Iraqi fault in the case of Iran.

In this regard, Bennett narrated some of his basic findings in the Islamic Republic of Iran during his 2018 visit, displaying how the Iranian people are educated pious and calm.

Bennett stressed that the US and Mossad are behind circulating the propaganda that Iran oppresses women, adding that he witnessed several women occupying his posts in the Islamic Republic.

He also explained that the people in Iran love their Leader, denying all rumors about dictatorial practices practiced by the authorities there.

Bennett also indicated that the Iranians love the American people and refer their troubles with the US administration to God, noting that God has been punishing America in various forms.

Bennett highlighted the educational, cultural, social, and moral perversions witnessed in the United States, stressing that the American soldier is much weaker than his Iranian, Russian, and Chinese peers despite the sophisticated weapons he has.

(February 18, 2023)

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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