Saturday, August 01, 2020

The psychological impact of "sanction" and "falsification" in the war of wills

The psychological impact of "sanction" and "falsification" in the war of wills
In his speech yesterday (Friday, July 31, 2020) on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution considered "sanction" and "falsification" as the two main axes of the enemy's combined war against the Iranian nation and clearly explained the goals of this dirty hostility.

NOURNEWS - On May 8, 2018, Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA agreement and unveiled a strategy of "maximum pressure" against the Islamic Republic of Iran with the "Hot Summer" project.
In the same year, all the capacity of counter-revolutionary groups led by key elements of the Trump team was used to launch the “hot summer” project, as Trump's lawyer Rudi Giuliani spoke during the meeting of the hypocritical terrorist sect (MKO) on July 10, 2018, about the end of the Islamic Republic.
"Mike Pompeo" in a meeting held with the presence of European ambassadors living in Tehran in the UAE, announced the implementation of the hot summer project under the strategy of maximum pressure and addressed them: "2019 is the year that we can all meet in Tehran do!
But what were the components of the hot summer project and the strategy of maximum pressure against the Iranian nation and what were its goals?
The strategy was based on what the Anti-Iranian Think Tank, “Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD)”, had designed with participation of its key elements such as Mark Dubowitz and Clifford May, using two tools: "Comprehensive Sanctions" and "External Pressure" on the bedrock of a widespread "perceptual war".
The perpetrators of this plan, which was a kind of fourth generation wars with a mixed pattern and multi-layered conceptualization and operation, did their best to effect Iranian "perceive" using "falsification" tactics in addition to "sanction" and economic pressure on the people.
With a maximalist approach, the project aimed at "the collapse of the system from within" and pursued the realization of "compromise and submission to the demands of the West" as a minimum goal.
This complex and far-reaching design is what the Supreme Leader of the Revolution referred to during his televised speech on Eid al-Adha yesterday, calling it a "disturbed sleep" of Americans that will never be interpreted.
In these speeches, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, referring to the two main aspects of the combined war against the Iranian nation, namely "sanction" and "falsification", clearly explained the aims of this dirty hostility.
The Supreme Leader of the Revolution refers to the goal of three layers of sanctions, namely, "bothering the people" in the short term, "preventing the country's progress, especially scientific progress" in the medium term, and "bankrupting the government and the country by disintegrating the economy" in the long term. The complexity of the domination system was the imposition of oppressive sanctions on the Iranian people.

"Undermining the morale of the people" and "giving the wrong address about the solution to the sanctions" were also the points that the leadership pointed out in describing another part of the enemy's perceptual war.
In other words; Americans, in addition to trying to harass people through economic pressure, so that they can break their "determination", by distorting and inverting the strengths and magnifying the weaknesses, Americans try to introduce compromise with the enemy as the main key to problems by inducing the inability of the system and creating despair about the future, at the same time.
On the other hand; the holes and channels of this complex and multi-layered psychological operation, as mentioned in the speech of the Supreme Leader, are evident in all areas. In this regard, he pointed to one of the main areas affecting the country's economy, namely the foreign exchange market, and the using that as a tool to create turmoil in the country's economic situation, which is pursued by guides behind the scenes and foreign security agents.
according to this; What is certain, and in the words of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, it is clearly stated is; pressure and sanctions as an important tool to bring the Iranian nation to its knees are possible only in the context of perceptual warfare and falsification of facts, because it is the victory in the "war of wills" that will ultimately determine the victorious side in this full-fledged battle.

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