BY: Martin Love

In the U.S. some people are lauding the just ended Democratic Party national convention nominating Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris for POTUS and vice-POTUS, conducted away from any large assembly venue and on line.
NOUENEWS/NORTH CAROLINA - In the U.S. some people are lauding the just ended Democratic Party national convention nominating Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris for POTUS and vice-POTUS, conducted away from any large assembly venue and on line. Just as many people are saying they found the programming boring and absent truly substantive content given a party platform that is absent substantive reform ideas.
It was programming full of the usual balderdash about American exceptionalism and “democracy” plus all the unwarranted praise for Biden and his running mate. Well, one could not have expected a dirge about the declining fortunes of the U.S., but the aggravation is primarily located in the shallowness of the rah-rah reportage and speeches and indeed, in the absence of real, demonstrated, sober brainpower.
It was sort of like a few evenings of the Academy Awards for films where the only films nominated for prizes were a handful of second-rate Bugs Bunny cartoons produced by Walt Disney in the 1950s.
But the gravest concern has been the state of Joe Biden’s mind at age 77 and whether he would completely flub his speech to convention delegates and to Americans and appear as if dementia had fully taken hold of him. Rumors abounded that he could not, without substantial aids like earbuds and the teleprompter, manage to form complete, coherent sentences.
As it turned out, the speech was good enough to avoid condemnation even though Biden has never been noted for oratory fireworks, and his wife Jill also appeared as a vastly improved and intelligent potential first lady in comparison to wooden “Barbie doll” Melania Trump. The upcoming debates between Trump and Biden are bound to be fascinating and contentious. Also, many would advise V.P. Pence not to debate VP candidate Kamala Harris at all because he has a mere fraction of her mental acumen and experience doing anything of note.
One thing is quite clear: Biden was nominated because the so-called “Deep State” owns him and most every other Democrat, with some exceptions. He also was nominated because he’s been around for almost half a century in Washington, and his nomination is a sort of idiot’s prize for longevity, not for great achievement or vision.
But the world must ask, when will the likes of Biden and the Neocons finally be gone? One undeniable fact of American politics in 2020 is that the anti-war wings of BOTH the major political parties are essentially dead, and the real choice between Trump and Biden is between war and war, with some minor differences.
Joe Biden’s foreign policy, in fact his entire career for decades, has been imperialist, far more so than Trump. For example, he voted for the Iraq War and was one of its strongest advocates. He was Vice President when Obama set the stage with terrorists like ISIS and Wahabis for an attack on Syria and Iraq. He was around when the most prosperous country in Africa, Libya, was reduced to utter chaos and poverty, and he oversaw the Ukraine debacle and even with nepotism got his unqualified son a seat on the board of Ukraine’s largest gas company and some very large paychecks for doing absolutely nothing.
There are terrible tradeoffs with either candidate.
Biden at home is likely to be a much better steward of the environment and the poor than Trump. He’s likely to have a better immigration policy, be no obvious racist, and he may even return the U.S. to the JCPOA provisionally, or with unacceptable provisions. But he is also likely to erect and augment cold wars (if not hot wars) between the U.S. and Russia/China. And he will do whatever he can to compromise China’s BRI. But a major problem with Biden is that he probably won’t be better than Trump with regards to the Middle East, because his VP, Kamala Harris is married to a wealthy Jewish lawyer and they both have long supported ad nauseum, along with Biden, whatever “Israel” does.
The biggest question is whether Trump, who has accomplished nothing positive with his and Pompeo’s foreign policies, could prove to be better for the world generally than a more bellicose Biden? Trump did several years ago pledge to end the wars, and has said U.S. troops in the Middle East has been a mistake. Biden never said anything of the sort and has been a Zionist lapdog for decades, and maybe more a lapdog, if it’s possible, than Trump is now, given that Trump this month claimed he was doing his Mideast antics FOR evangelicals, for Christians first! Evangelicals who at bottom despise Jews.
So the world waits to see what further U.S. horrors might be unleashed after the election. But another question if whether the U.S. will collapse economically and socially this year. If that happens, it won’t matter who is POTUS.
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