Saturday, August 01, 2020

The leader of the terrorist group "Thunder" in the hands of the Iran's Ministry of Intelligence

The leader of the terrorist group "Thunder" in the hands of the Iran's Ministry of Intelligence
Jamshid Sharmahd, the leader of the Thunder terrorist group, who led armed and sabotage operations in Iran from the United States, is now in the powerful hands of the operational forces of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence following a complex operation.

NOURNEWS - Jamshid Sharmahd, the leader of the Thunder terrorist group, who led armed and sabotage operations in Iran from the United States, is now in the powerful hands of the operational forces of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence following a complex operation.
The Ministry of Intelligence arrested Jamshid Sharmahd, the leader of the Thunder terrorist group. In 2008, Sharmahd designed and directed the explosion operation in Shiraz.
In that terrorist act, 14 people were martyred and 215 mourners were injured.
The Thunder terrorist group has also planned to carry out several large-scale operations in recent years.
The operations included the explosion of the Sivand Dam in Shiraz, the explosion of cyanide bombs at the Tehran Book Fair, and the explosion of the shrine of Imam Khomeini during a public ceremony.
The terrorist operation failed due to the intelligence control of the Ministry of Intelligence.
Further details of the complex and successful operation of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence in ousting the leader of the Thunder terrorist group will be announced later.

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