By: Hamid Reza Naghashian
Americans after suffering consecutive defeats in the Middle East, including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, today is facing a rising power in the South America that yesterday through making political and economic hype, it failed to bring down this rising phenomenon, Venezuela, which has almost been soaked by the rain of resistance maturity in the region.
Yesterday all pressures were focused on a point that was the source of all independence-seeking movements in the region and the U.S. tried its best to push back this move to its starting point and to dry up the grounds for materialization of anti-capitalist revolutions in the continent which is attributed to the U.S. and some in its neighborhood.
In almost past three years, the White House, led by President Donald Trump, has constantly stepped up its economic sanctions against Venezuela and has condemned Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, and in fact it called on Venezuelan people to topple Maduro’s government which is actually an anti-U.S. government and source of materialization of interests of anti-capitalists of the U.S. type in this half of the continent. But Iran and Venezuela hand in hand thwarted all seditions and plots one after the other.
Since January 5, 2019 when Juan Guaido became the president of National Assembly of Venezuela, he actively tried to make Venezuela’s military and international communities recognize him as Venezuela’s legitimate president.
After President Trump’s recognition of Guaido as Venezuela’s President, Brazil, Colombia, Canada, Peru and Chile also recognized Guaido as legitimate president. Of course, Guaido with support of Trump in a speech addressing his supporters in the east of Caracas said, “I swear to take charge as the caretaker president of Venezuela till to topple this usurper government.”
But where does he stand today and where does Venezuela stand? Today Venezuela’s economy is moving on course to produce gasoline domestically and to solve its economic problems as a leading country in the continent. Tomorrow the story is totally different. Tomorrow Venezuela will be Iran’s counterpart in the continent because Maduro thinks of making its military independent and he wants to boost his country’s military power and capability.
This week and reacting to his Colombian counterpart’s claim that Caracas intends to buy missiles from Iran, Maduro welcomed the idea. During a televised broadcast with cabinet members, instructing Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino to follow up and jokingly telling his cabinet to keep the plan a secret, noting, “It had not occurred to me.”
In order to herald his ambition to neighboring states, supporters and opponents, he said “What a good idea, to speak with Iran to see what short, medium and long range missiles they have, and if it is possible, given the great relations we have with Iran.”
Earlier the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Embassy in Caracas had announced that Iran was on the verge of finalizing a trade deal with this Latin American state. Last week, a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of restoration of ties between Iran and Venezuela was held in Caracas with senior Venezuelan officials and Iran’s ambassador in presence. Iranian officials have not reacted to Maduro’s remarks on buying missiles from Iran. But regarding this point that political relations between both states are progressing on course to the growth of resistance culture, undoubtedly the Islamic Republic of Iran’s response, if it is officially received, would be positive.
Venezuela has actually been the U.S.’s backyard in the Latin-speaking countries and it is still, but since creation of motivation, it has provided Iran with appropriate ground for promoting the criteria for intensifying resistance against anti-justice capitalism.
Iran and Venezuela hand in hand will make the future of the Latin America and this motivation will provide the ground for weakening Washington.

- source : IRAN NEWS
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