The director of the Iran's National Down Syndrome Foundation (Wall 47) has filed a lawsuit against Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
NOURNEWS - After Uploading a Shirt with Anti-Down Syndrome Theme "Let's Make Down Syndrome Extinct" For Sale On Amazon, CEO of The Iran's National Down Syndrome Foundation (Wall 47) has filed a lawsuit against Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. It should be noted that, as protests against the move escalated, Amazon was forced to remove the Shirt from its website.
Dr. Azadeh Abbaszadeh wrote in a letter to Bezos:
To the CEO of Amazon; Jeff Bezos
An image of a shirt with the words "Let's Make Down Syndrome Extinct" was recently posted on Amazon UK.
wait; Let me say that instead of the small size shirt, the large size was sold and instead of the pink dress, the blue dress was sold; We do not face a mistake.
This is exactly what happened; In one part of the world, in a country claiming to defend human rights, a shirt with the slogan "Call for the Extinction and Genocide of Down Syndrome" has been posted on a shirt for sale, and has been on your site for many days, your biggest international asset. And from north to south of the globe and from the easternmost countries to the westernmost, the name of the site Amazon has been heard, still exists.
The question arises here:
Mr. CEO Bezos! In the phrase "human rights" that you occasionally carry the slogan of defending, how many chromosomes does this human being have to have in order to be considered human? Is 46 chromosomes human the only defensible human species?
From what position and from what angle, was this disgusting sentence first written on this shirt and then accepted on your famous site? Where does the confidence in your group decision to exterminate people with Down Syndrome come from?
UN Resolution 217 was adopted on the morning of December 10, 1948, about seventy years ago, with the consent and affirmative vote of 48 countries and is now known as the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights". I declare a crime of spreading the image of a shirt with a slogan against humanity that explicitly calls for the "extinction of people with Down Syndrome."
Excerpts from Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
"... And all human beings have the right to protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration ..."
Mr. CEO Bezos! The phrase "Let's get rid of Down Syndrome" that you are advertising on the popular Amazon site:
- According to Articles 1 and 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it violates the dignity and equality of human beings.
Articles 3 to 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights call into question the right to life.
- According to Articles 12 to 17, it calls into question individual rights.
- According to Articles 22 to 27, it questions the social rights and health of the individual.
Thus, Mr. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon! Following the publication of a picture of a shirt with the slogan "Let's Make Down Syndrome Extinct" on your very popular site and following the violation of at least 20 of the 30 articles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and also according to Article 7 of the same declaration, First as a human being and then as a Down Syndrome activist, I have filed a criminal complaint against your site with all relevant organizations and I want you to be held accountable.
Obviously, the least we can expect is the immediate removal of the image of this shirt from the Amazon site and then the company's apology to the global Down Syndrome community.
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