Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Pompeo Reassures Netanyahu of Zionist Regime’s ‘Military Edge’ Over UAE

WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday that Washington would ensure the Zionist regime’s military ‘advantage’ in any future arms deals with the United Arab Emirates.
"The United States has a legal requirement with respect to qualitative military edge. We will continue to honor that,” Pompeo told reporters, after a meeting with Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in occupied al-Quds.

A US-brokered deal on normalising relations between the Zionist regime and the UAE was announced on August 13. The deal between the UAE and the Zionist regime has been denounced by Palestinians from across the political spectrum, who dismissed it as tantamount to "treason” and "a stab in the back”.
There has been dissent by Zionist regime officials over the prospect of the UAE now obtaining advanced U.S. weaponry such as the F-35 stealth fighter jet.
Netanyahu, who had previously denied reports that the deal included provisions on future U.S. arms sales to the UAE, said that Pompeo had reassured him that any future deals would not compromise the occupying regime’s ‘military superiority’ in the region.
Monday’s comments came as Pompeo kicked off a Middle East tour that will also include visits to Sudan, the UAE and Bahrain.
According to a press release from the U.S. Department of State, Pompeo will visit Sudan following the occupied territories.
He will then head to Manama to meet with Bahrain’s crown prince and conclude his trip in Abu Dhabi to discuss the normalization agreement and other regional issues.
Speaking on CNN on Saturday, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said the UAE "has been trying to get the F-35 [fighter jet] for a long time”.
"This new peace agreement should increase the probability of them getting it. But it’s something we’re reviewing,” he said.
Meanwhile, informed sources said Jared Kushner, the senior adviser and son-in-law of the U.S. President Donald Trump, will visit Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman in early September to persuade Persian Gulf leaders to normalize relations with the Zionist regime, as the UAE did.
Axios quoted Zionist and Arab sources as saying that Kushner will, in the first week of September, tour the Middle East, accompanied by the White House representative to international negotiations, Avi Berkowitz.
The tour will start with a visit to al-Quds and then the UAE with the aim of inspecting the implementation of the U.S. mediated agreement to normalize relations between the two parties.
According to the news website, "Officials familiar with the planned tour,” said that "Kushner will attempt during the talks he will hold with some leaders in the region to urge more Arab countries to follow the example of the UAE and move forward towards full normalization of relations with Israel.”

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