Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Hezbollah Unmasks US Hypocrisy & Arab Treason

By:Kayhan Int’l 

Peace, whether in a country or a region is not possible unless the people of that particular and their true representatives shoulder responsibility to safeguard national and regional interests, whatever the sacrifices they have to offer against the plots of their enemies, especially those hypocrites posing as friends to destroy them.
The prime examples in this regard are the countries of our region, which are the targets of our avowed enemies, the US in particular.
It is the height of hypocrisy for the US, with its unethical support for the illegal Zionist entity, to pose as negotiator, peacekeeper, protector, or whatever it claims for the countries of West.
Washington after having failed to topple the elected and legitimate government of Syria despite funding and arming for nine long years the most macabrely murderous terrorists the world has ever seen, is now focusing its mischievous efforts on Lebanon.
This is evident by its harsh criticism of the true representatives of the Lebanese people and its branding as ‘terrorist’ of Lebanon’s legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah.
Of course, besides American lackeys outside the region, only traitors to the Islamic cause or the cause of Arab nationalism, agree with the US, such as the spurious British-created fiefdoms of the Persian Gulf that do not have any historical, geographical, cultural, and ethical roots.
Uncle Sam’s hypocrisy received a hard slap on the face the other day when the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Hassan Nasrollah, said in plain words:
"The US wages war and claims the right for itself to crush the bones of innocent children in Yemen and elsewhere, but no one can say a word condemning its aggression.  Why do you hold the right to interfere in the affairs of countries and initiate a war, but we and others do not have the right to extend a helping hand to the countries whose rights have been violated?”
He made it clear that supporting the Palestinian people and fighting terrorist outfits in Syria serve Lebanon’s interests and "Hezbollah will never abandon delivering on its responsibilities in Lebanon and the neighboring countries, adding that the group takes into consideration Lebanon’s national interests.”
Whatever Seyyed Nasrollah says he does, opine analysts, even those in the West, noting that as Lebanon’s grassroots movement, Hezbollah has never retreated from its responsibilities, whether at home or in the region, despite the heavy odds.
And moreover, it has proved its mettle in defeating heavily armed opponents as is the case in Syria, and is attested by its shattering of the myth of invincibility of the so-called military might of Israel during the 33-day war the illegal Zionist entity had imposed on Lebanon in 2006 with active American supports and the tacit approval of the ever-treasonous Persian Gulf Arab regimes, particularly Saudi Arabia.
The Hezbollah, which recently downed an Israeli drone in southern Lebanon has unmasked American hypocrisy at every turn, including the present situation when a massive blast destroyed portside Beirut killing around 200 people, and injuring 6,000 others, besides making 300,000 homeless.
Seyyed Nasrollah has said without mincing words that if the current probe of the blasts reveals that Israel was involved then the Zionist entity should brace for a decisive response.   
The person who has famously said "It was Hezbollah’s duty to fight Daesh in Syria and Iraq in order to prevent it from achieving any victory and expanding (the so-called) caliphate into other regional countries,” is looked upon as the saviour of Lebanon and will definitely embark upon, as per Islamic obligations, any task deemed beneficial for his country.

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