Saturday, August 01, 2020

Malaysian Parliament Calls for the Expulsion of Israel from the United Nations

By Days of Palestine

The Parliament of Malaysia unanimously agreed today on submitting a notice for emergency motion to urge the government to work with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in demanding the expulsion of Israel from the United Nations.
Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh (PKR-Ledang) has brought members of Parliament’s attention to Israel’s failure to uphold its pledges as a UN member according to the 1945 Charter of the UN.
Syed Ibrahim said this could be noticed while Israel is planning to annex parts of the occupied West Bank.
He said a petition, signed by all members of parliament, could send a clear signal of protest on the annexation plan by Israel over the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank, including the strategic Jordan Valley.
Syed has proposed to submit this petition to the United States’ Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, UN and Asean Inter-parliamentary Assembly.
“I would like to propose that MPs sign a petition, through cooperation with the relevant NGOs, to express support and solidarity to the Palestinians in their fight for freedom and peace.”
“MPs should use their domestic, international and regional networks to mobilise assistance for Palestine and protest against the annexation plan,” said Syed Ibrahim, who submitted the notice for the emergency motion on July 14 to seek actions by the Malaysian government on Israeli’s annexation plan.
He also asked the government to acknowledge, support and assist any effort by NGOs in relation to protests against Israel.
He said the world has witnessed a lot of human rights violations committed by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian civilians.
“In the West Bank particularly, Israel’s colonisation of the Palestinian lands began dyring 1967 Middle Eastern War. For over half a century, Palestinians have suffered from persecution by the Israeli regime.”
“Women and children are considered constant targets for Israel’s atrocity and were killed in the most brutal manners. The inhumane acts by Israel must not be excused by civilised nations including Malaysia who seek peace and justice.”
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Prime Minister of Malaysia, called upon the international community during the 36th Asean Summit, to condemn Israel’s annexation plan.
He said that the international community must also ensure that such a plan should never be executed.
He expressed how Malaysia was deeply concerned over Palestinians’ fate amid the continued volatility in the Middle East.
The Israeli annexation plan was scheduled at first on July 1, but Israeli officials announced that the process would take place later this month in coordination with their American counterparts.
About 1,080 European MPs from 25 countries urged their leaders to take a step towards putting an end to this plan, according to AFP.

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