Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Jesus Silva: Tehran, Caracas Forging Strategic, Geopolitical Alliance

Jesus Silva: Tehran, Caracas Forging Strategic, Geopolitical Alliance
TEHRAN (FNA)- Jesus Silva, lawyer and journalist, says Iran and Venezuela are governed by wise rulers who support each other against US hostiles.
Speaking in an interview with FNA, Dr. Silva said, “The United States is pushing to oust the governments of Iran and Venezuela by the way of a savage economic blockade and illegal sanctions”, and added that Tehran-Caracas alliance is a way for both countries to survive the US economic aggression.
Born in Venezuela, Jesus Silva is a PhD Constitutional lawyer. He also received degrees in the Criminal Law. He has been lecturing at universities in Caracas for over two decades, and collaborating with international news outlets.
Blow is the full text of the interview:
Q: Why has the US sanctioned Venezuela? What is the White House seeking by its measures against Venezuela?
A: The US is clearly trying to take control over our country’s resources. In fact, Venezuela’s oil industry assets abroad have been confiscated by Washington. CITGO, Venezuela’s oil company based in the US, has been taken away by the Trump Administration without any legal grounds. So the plundering of Venezuelan resources is already happening. Venezuela is losing millions of dollars due to the US economic aggression. What the US is attempting now, is to go further with its plundering by also taking property of the Venezuelan oil assets in the country’s territory; but to do that, they need to overthrow President Maduro and impose a US-led puppet such as Juan Guaido.
Most Venezuelans defend sovereignty because they participate in elections, they want a President elected by their votes, and that man is Maduro. Only a minority of Venezuelans boycotts elections. They are eager to have somebody imposed by the US as President of Venezuela; those people support Juan Guaido, a safe-proclaimed President funded by Washington. But the truth is that Guaido is not exercising any legal power in Venezuela, so it is a big lie when Donald Trump and his foreign allies regard Guaido as “president”.
Q: Does the nation know why they are paying such a high price for resistance?
A: Most Venezuelans want to live in an independent country. People here have a strong sense of liberty and dignity so the popular majority refuses to surrender to the United States. Venezuelans do not see becoming a colony of the US as an option, for this I can say that millions of citizens understand that our nation is struggling to stay free from a world super powers like the US. People know Washington is trying to regain control over our country, just as it happened before socialist Hugo Chavez became President of Venezuela. People understand that a high price is being paid, in terms of the current economic crisis we suffer, when opposing to the US domination, but millions of Venezuelans are hopeful that these difficult times will be overcome because our government will develop ways to restore the nation’s prosperity. Evidently, US illegal sanctions have harmed our economy, but Caracas is finding alternatives to avoid the effects of such sanctions. As Venezuelans, we base our optimism on the fact that this country has the world’s largest petroleum reserves, so it is possible to improve the oil and gasoline production with the efficient government and support coming from Iran and other allies.
Q: How do you view Venezuela’s alliance with Iran and other countries resisting imperialism?
A: I believe in the alliance between Iran and Venezuela as a strategic and geopolitical position because both nations are being targeted by the US imperialism. I admire Iran’s revolution since 1979 and I think it is a brave country struggling for its right of self-determination. It is easy to see that the United States is pushing to oust the governments of Iran and Venezuela by the way of a savage economic blockade and illegal sanctions; so, our countries must take their alliance to a higher level in order to survive to the US economic aggression. Both Iran and Venezuela have wise leaders who will accomplish this task, but they must stay on alert all the time and step up security measures because the US imperialist threat is still alive. Venezuela must develop ways to fully re-boost its industries and whole economy in spite of the ongoing US aggression.

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