Monday, August 24, 2020

Anger of Islamic Ummah to engulf UAE rulers: Iranian Parl.

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission in a statement on Sun. reiterated that anger of Islamic Ummah will engulf rulers of the United Arab Emirates for normalizing ties with the Israeli regime.
The statement says that undoubtedly, the Palestinian people and freedom-seeking nations of the region will not remain silent in the face of the UAE agreement on normalizing ties with the Zionist regime.
"The US terrorist government seeks the annihilation of the remaining part of Palestine with the failed plan of so-called 'Deal of the Century' and the terrorist president of the United States has annexed the Syrian Golan Heights to the Zionist regime in an illegal order."
The statement referred to the illegal Israeli regime's struggles to annex the rest of the occupied territories especially the West Bank, saying, "iI a situation where the international community is critical of the unilateralism of the United States and the Zionist regime, and in a situation that the occupying regime of Israel has fallen into decline and is committing insane and heinous acts through the resistance of the Palestinian people and the resilient nations of the region, the rulers of Abu Dhabi have ignored the interests of the Palestinian people, as well as the Islamic and Arab interests, by announcing a peace agreement with the Zionist enemy and left another historical stigma to the Palestinian cause."
"This move taken by Abu Dhabi is another betrayal to the causes of Muslims, mainly Palestine. The move has faced serious and widespread opposition from all Palestinian people, leaders and groups and has led to the widespread condemnation by the Islamic world," the statement added.
The so-called peace agreement with the Israeli regime is an open betrayal to the Muslim world and a means to help the Zionist regime to exert influence and domination in the region, it said.
It reiterated that Abu Dhabi's rulers should know that this shameful agreement is doomed to failure and will have a heavy cost to the country.

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