Sunday, July 19, 2020

Trump's foreign policy: press, punish and lie

BY: Valeria Rodriguez
Trump's foreign policy: press, punish and lie
Iran's influence in this area is the stone in Trump's shoe that can no longer use the strategy of his predecessors to finance terrorist groups because his presence was considerably reduced in the most important regions such as Syria and Iraq and that is owes to the actions of the anti-terrorist alliance.

NOURNEWS - The Trump administration's foreign policy has used sanctions, pressure and lies to maintain its power in West Asia.
Iran's influence in this area is the stone in Trump's shoe that can no longer use the strategy of his predecessors to finance terrorist groups because his presence was considerably reduced in the most important regions such as Syria and Iraq and that is owes to the actions of the anti-terrorist alliance.
After the assassination of General Suleimani and General Mohandes, it was demonstrated that the United States has no taboo in violating the sovereignty of a country and as a consequence the Iraqi Congress demanded the withdrawal of the North American military bases in its territory.
In turn, the UN recognized through the Special Rapporteur for Extrajudicial Executions, Agnes Callamard, that the murder by the United States is arbitrary and violates international law. In addition to adding a request for the capture of Trump by Iran for the murder of Suleimani, to which was added the same request by Iraq.
On the other hand, the United States sought to strengthen its presence through its allies in the region, Israel and Saudi Arabia. But nothing went well for him.
Trump supported Israel in his idea of ​​annexing the West Bank, which was a shot in the butt since international public opinion strongly criticized him and even had to back down on July 1 when international public opinion, including public opinion Israeli rejected it.
Regarding the other ally of the United States, Saudi Arabia, he was also criticized for the presence of American weapons in the hands of mercenaries who worked for Saudi Arabia and also had strong criticism for the trial on the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
As if this were not enough and as a capricious child, Trump uses constant pressure to get what he wants, so in the midst of a pandemic and with more than 3 million infected in his country, he began the formal process of withdrawal from the World Organization of Health criticizing its actions as biased in favor of China.
The departure of the United States from this body represents a loss of 450 million dollars in the budget and it is not the first time that it has done something similar since in June 2018, it withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council after it He will criticize Israel's handling of Human Rights as well as the US government's handling of Mexican children on the border with the United States.
Lobby as a diplomatic practice
Diplomatic pressure is a tool widely used by the Trump administration to maintain the hegemony of its power in Western Asia, where it has several enemies, unified in one, the resistance.
One of the first pressures of his management was the withdrawal of the Comprehensive Joint Agreement, known as the Nuclear Agreement, which had been achieved after a series of negotiations for five years between the G5 plus 1 and which threatened to fly through the air when in 2018 Trump unilaterally decided to get out and reimpose economic sanctions on the Persian country.
Despite this, the other countries that make up the agreement remained, but the Iranian government criticized the European part for not specifically complying with the agreement for fear of economic retaliation by the United States.
Economic sanctions were and continue to be pressure tools for different countries, such as Syria, Palestine, Iran, Venezuela and other countries.
They stifle internal economies, but in recent months it has been shown that sanctioned countries if they strengthen their mutual relations can at least circumvent them.
The clearest example was the shipment of Iran's oil and food ships to Venezuela in addition to the announcement of the signing of a military agreement with Syria despite the imposition of the "Cesar Law" which is a package of economic sanctions imposed by the United States to all those countries that try to support Syria both militarily and monetarily.
The central idea of ​​unilateral sanctions is to weaken the resistance on the one hand in Western Asia and on the other to overthrow governments such as that of Bashar Al Asad in Syria and Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.
Iran, China and the New Silk Road
China is one of the United States' strategic threats not only for its economic growth but also for its way of building power based on economic, cultural and military cooperation with different countries, contrary to the strategy of imposing and breaking that the United States has. .
This can be seen in an interview recently published by the China Global Television Network, where the State Councilor and the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, said “A particular opinion has been going around in recent years, claiming that the success of the road China will be a blow and a threat to the Western system and path. This claim is inconsistent with the facts, and we disagree with it. Aggression and expansion are not in the genes of the Chinese nation throughout its 5,000-year history.
China does not replicate any model from other countries, nor does it export its own to others. We never ask other countries to copy what we do. More than 2,500 years ago, our ancestors argued that 'All living things can grow in harmony without hurting each other, and different ways can work in parallel without interfering with each other.' ”
China is getting closer to being able to incorporate one of the most ambitious economic integration projects of the 21st century, "The New Silk Road" that seeks to connect the five continents in a series of trade agreements whose counterpart will be the financing of different projects infrastructure.
The key to it is in the gulf, which is the main route for Chinese crude oil imports from Western Asia. For this reason, Iran is a strategic partner.
Thus, in January 2016, during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Tehran, Iran and China signed a bilateral memorandum of understanding on the joint promotion of such an initiative.
In December 2019, the signing of the 25-year Bilateral Agreement with China was announced, which has not yet been formally signed although some points of it were disseminated that were used to manipulate information and lie by North American media such as New York Times and British like BBC.
The lie was also used by the Trump administration, in fact we can remember that after Iran's defensive action at the Ain Al Asad base, Trump had said that there were no deaths and it was finally shown that he had lied. Like thousands of other lies more spread by the media.
25 years of Agreement between Iran and China
One of the main points of the draft agreement is the investment of 400 billion dollars in energy and infrastructure over the next 25 years, ensuring the constant supply of oil and gas to China, avoiding the bottleneck in the Strait of Malacca ( where 50 percent of the world's maritime traffic passes) and thus ensure an 18 percent discount by paying in yuan without going through the dollar and thus once again skipping the sanctions.
On the other hand, Chinese investments aim to insert $ 228 billion into Iranian infrastructure through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB, which aims to build, among other things, a high-speed railway that will connect Iran to China. .
In turn, Iran has strengthened its diplomatic relations with China in cooperation agencies such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, where Iran is an observer State, taking into account that such organization has cooperation agreements with the UN General Assembly.
It should be noted on this point that China played an important role, like Russia, during the last meeting of the Security Council that addressed the issue of the arms embargo derived from Resolution 2231, which expires at the end of this year.
The United States pressed during that meeting to extend the sanction but the response from Russia and China was that as such a resolution is framed in the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan, the United States cannot comment since it withdrew from it in 2018.
Current international relations are aimed at multilateralism and economic cooperation that are essential to emerge from the pandemic despite the existence of tensions to prevent it, the way out is mutual cooperation since the post-pandemic stage brings with it great challenges that must be debated and being isolated does not benefit anyone.

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