Saturday, July 18, 2020

Russian official: More tensions in West Asia, more arms sales for US

Moscow, IRNA – Head of the Center for Geopolitical Studies of Russia Leonid Ivashov said on Saturday that the US insistence for extending Iran’s arms embargo is against the nuclear deal and is a part of US plan for selling more weapons to the region.
Speaking to IRNA on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of signing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of action by Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, Leonid Ivashov told IRNA that Russia will defend the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in any condition and China’s approach is to safeguard the international deal, as well.
Ivashov said that the European troika tries to resist the US pressures to put an end to the deal and discrediting the international accords, but sometimes they succumb to Washington.
He said that Germany, France, and the UK took a resolution to the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency that ignored all Iran’s cooperation with the Agency, while the country has been the most cooperative one in verification of its nuclear program by the UN specialized agency.
He added that Washington tries to depict Iran as a threat to the international security in order to keep its interests in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. Drawing a black image of Iran is an important US foreign policy, which aims at disrupting the region to drive its Arab allies closer to Washington. This is what the US is gaining tens of billions of dollars from selling weapons to the region.
The US is trying to convey the message that only the US and Trump can harness Iran, he said, adding that the US left the deal two years ago and now is moving heaven and earth to find a way to extend Iran’s arms embargo due to expire in October 2020.

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