Sunday, July 12, 2020

Commander: Iran Facing Threats Triggered by Global Arrogance

Commander: Iran Facing Threats Triggered by Global Arrogance
TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Law Enforcement Police's Border Guards Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi said that the country has been facing threats originated in the designs of Global Arrogance, but meantime ensured that his forces have managed to defuse these threats.
These threats stem from the ominous plots of the enemies of the Islamic Republic, including the [Global] Arrogance and strangers, said Goudarzi.
Iranian border guards could safeguard borders by benefiting from experienced forces, he stressed.
We should try to become the pioneer in the cyberspace as it has become more effective than real space, the commander noted.
In relevant remarks in late June, Goudarzi said that his forces are firmly safeguarding the country's borders against the terrorists and drug traffickers.
"My comrades in the Western and Northwestern borders of the country are bravely standing against the anti-revolutionary groups and enemies, and we are running serious confrontation against terrorists and those who are after sowing discord between us and the neighboring states, specially the friendly and brotherly country of Turkey," General Goudarzi said on Saturday, June 27.
He also described prevention of drug trafficking as one of the important priorities of the Iranian border guards, and said Iran discovers and seizes 90% of the trafficked opium, 46% of morphine and 23% of heroin in the world.
General Goudarzi said that 3,800 Iranian forces have been martyred and 12,000 others have been wounded in fight against drug traffickers.

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