Sunday, May 10, 2020

Zionist Designs in the Persian Gulf

By: Kayhan Int’l
Of late, suspicious moves seem to be underway in the region as the regime in Riyadh is going full throttle in its bid to legitimize the illegitimate Zionist entity in the hope of officially allowing Israel and the Israelites to establish their unwanted presence in Arabia, especially in the oil-rich coasts of the Persian Gulf.  
Last January’s visit of a prominent Saudi Sheikh, Mohamed al-Issa, to Poland to attend celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the takeover by the Allied forces of a key Nazi German military base at Auschwitz which was mischievously labeled a concentration camp where supposed Jewish detainees were allegedly killed in gas chambers – that have never been found like the US myth of WMDs in Iraq – was intended to show solidarity between the two spurious entities created by Britain.
It is worth recalling that last century London hired a desert brigand of Jewish origin from Najd, named Abdul-Aziz, helped him seize in 1913 the vast Shi’a Muslim majority eastern region of Arabia right till the shores of the Persian Gulf, then assisted his seizure of the Land of Revelation Hijaz in 1925, including the mass massacres in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, followed by the bloodbath in Ta’ef and the Red Sea port of Jeddah, and finally in 1932 created for him a kingdom called Saudi Arabia.
At the same time, the crafty British were active in Palestine where in 1917 they announced the infamous Balfour Declaration for settling of east European Jews, or more properly non-Israelite Khazar converts to Judaism, for whom in 1948 the  illegal entity Israel was created.
The link between the Saudis and the Zionists now becomes crystal clear, and the covert connections of these two – the one in an Islamic garb to deceive Muslims and the other in the garb of Judaism to stain Jews, since many of whom do not recognize Israel – are overtly evident to all under the notorious MBS (Mohamed bin Salman), the self-imposed Heir Apparent of senile King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz.
Israel and its criminal agents, like the current US president whose so-called ‘deal of the century’ to kill the Palestinian cause is fully backed by MBS (bosom pal of Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner), are thrilled at these developments, and in league with the repressive Aal-e Khalifa minority regime of Bahrain are plotting to plant the Zionists in the Persian Gulf region.
An indication in this regard was the recent release of a century old document that details how the imperialists were planning to create ‘Zionistan’ in the Shi’a Muslim region of eastern Arabia, before opting for Palestine.
According to the report, on September 12, 1917, the British ambassador in Paris, Francis Bertie, received a letter from Dr. M. L. Rothstein, a Jewish doctor in France, requesting help in creating a state for European Jews.
The doctor volunteered to assemble a Jewish fighting force of 30,000 to enter Bahrain (already under British occupation), for a quick assault on mainland Arabia, where in the al-Ahsa region a state for European Jews could be established.
Al-Ahsa is one of the largest and most famous natural oases in the world, with over 3 million palm trees producing delicious dates. The place is considered as the greenest and most fertile land in eastern Arabia.
Rothstein’s proposal was sent to London and reviewed by the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, who overruled it, since four years earlier Britain had already helped its agent of Jewish origin, Abdul-Aziz, in seizing the eastern part of Arabia and suppressing the Shi’a Muslim majority of that area.
Instead, couple of months later in November Balfour issued his scandalous declaration choosing Palestine as the place for establishing a state for European Jews.  
Now with Palestine firmly under control of the Zionists who are destroying Islamic sites – similar to the desecration and destruction of Islamic sites in Hijaz by the heretical Wahhabis – the Saudis and fellow reactionary regimes of the region, are banking on American help to provide backdoor entry for Israel into the Persian Gulf region.
This was the reason MBS had recently intensified the persecution of the Shi’a Muslims of Qatif, al-Awammiyah, al-Ahsa, and other parts of the eastern region, whose looted oil wealth the Saudis squander on personal pleasures, astronomical arms purchases, and funding of terrorists to destabilize Muslim countries.   
Last April, of the 37 men executed at once in Saudi Arabia, 32 were Shi’a Muslims, who despite their persecuted state, have never lost hope in reasserting their independence one day – a day that will soon dawn in neighbouring Bahrain as well, to end the reign of terror in the whole of Arabia, before the curtain comes down on spurious Israel in Palestine.

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