Saturday, May 09, 2020

Iran censures U.S. exit from JCPOA, reimposition of sanctions

Sanctions target the “regimes” in word, but damage “children” in practice, government spokesman laments

TEHRAN — Government spokesman Ali Rabiei has condemned in the United States’ “inhuman” sanctions on Iran, which have hampered the Islamic Republic’s fight against coronavirus.
One of the most deviant behaviors was shown in the international arena on May 8, 2018, prototypical of U.S. President Donald Trump’s conduct with regard to international issues, Rabiei said in a message, IRNA reported on Saturday.
He made the remarks on the second anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
Rabiei said the U.S. unleashed the highest level of sanctions on Iran due to pressure from Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Although Trump claimed at that time that the sanctions reimposed on Iran on November 5, 2018, have targeted the government of the Islamic Republic, they were imposed solely for dividing people and the government, he said.
Referring to the U.S. unilateral exit from the JCPOA, Rabiei said that was a new sour experience, like a movie with a sad ending, as seen in Iraq before.
“Iran is definitely not like the then Iraq, and the Iranian nation will not have the same fate the Iraqis suffered in 2001-2003,” he asserted.
The spokesman went on to say that the sad experience of sanctions that occurred in Iraq proved that the sanctions can put people more in danger gradually.
Sanctions target the “regimes” in word, but damage “children” in practice, he lamented.
According to Rabiei, the U.S. sanctions can be defeated through resistance.
The sanctions will fade away and their brutal effect will decrease through cooperation and solidarity of the communities and regional governments, different bodies and academics, he remarked.
An active diplomacy, he said, is needed to stand against the U.S. allegations made freshly to proceed the sanctions via misusing dissatisfaction inside Iran.
In May 2019, exactly one year after the U.S. unilaterally quit the deal and imposed sanctions on Iran, Tehran began to gradually reduce its commitments under the JCPOA to both retaliate for Washington’s departure and Europeans’ failure to honor their commitments.
On January 5, Iran took a fifth and last step in reducing its commitments and said it would no longer observe any operational limitations on its nuclear industry, whether concerning the capacity and level of uranium enrichment, the volume of stockpiled uranium or research and development. However, Iran has insisted if the Europeans honor their obligations it will immediately reverse its decisions.
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has said that Europe must ensure Iran’s benefits from the nuclear deal if it wants the deal to survive.
President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that the United States’ illegal sanctions against the Iranian people have been tightened in the difficult situation of fighting the coronavirus and its economic consequences.
He said Iran faces many problems in accessing medical equipment due to the sanctions, adding that fighting the coronavirus pandemic requires all countries’ cooperation.
President Rouhani has also likened the U.S. sanctions to the coronavirus, explaining that the psychological impact of both are worse than their real impact.

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