Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rouhani: Tehran-Ankara ties amicable, strong, developing

TEHRAN – The presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey have stressed that relations between the two countries are amicable, strong and developing in many fields, vowing to work to deepen and develop ties.
President Hassan Rouhani had a meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday on the sidelines of the fifth round of tripartite summit of Iran, Russia and Turkey in Ankara, according to the Iranian president’s official website.
After the meeting, the two presidents attended the meeting of the high-ranking delegations of Iran and Turkey, in which Rouhani said, “Fortunately, relations between Iran and Turkey have always been close and brotherly, and the two governments and nations have stood by each other in different conditions”.
Appreciating the warm hospitality of the Turkish government and people, the Iranian president expressed hope that the visit would yield good results for both nations and the region, especially the people of Syria.
He went on to acknowledge the Turkish government’s clear stances against the United States’ unjust sanctions against Iran, saying, “Despite hardships, Iran and Turkey will continue their inclusive economic relations”.
He added, “Iran welcomes Turkish investors and private sector’s presence and participation in implementing common projects.” 
The president said, “The holding of the 27th Joint Commission of Iran and Turkey Cooperation in the coming days is a very important opportunity to further develop these relations and cooperation”.
Rouhani also said Iran and Turkey share close views view in combatting terrorism. “Fortunately, good developments have been made in defense-related cooperation between the two countries. Therefore, Iran-Turkey cooperation in ensuring security in common borders and the region will improve further”.
“The pattern of Iran-Turkey trilateral cooperation with Russia in ensuring the security of the region could contribute to the development and stability of the region and the two nations through trilateral and multilateral economic cooperation with neighbors”.
“Guaranteeing the security of the Persian Gulf waterways, the Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz has always been important for Iran as the largest littoral state,” Rouhani said, adding that Iran considers itself responsible to ensure security of regional waterways.
In an indirect reference to the presence of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf, the president said, “The security of regional waterways has to be protected only by its littoral states, and that the presence American forces and inviting other countries to be present in the region will only increase the existing problems and tensions.” 
Rouhani also said attacks on Yemen is the result of miscalculation and misinformation by the U.S., saying, “We must all work to bring stability back to Yemen with the participation of the United Nations.”
Rouhani also pointed to cooperation between Iran and Turkey, as guarantors of the Astana process, which has made Syria more secure, saying, “We must help the Syrian government in fighting the remaining terrorists, especially in Idlib and east of Euphrates until the terrorists are eradicated from the region”.
At the same meeting, the Turkish president referred to the friendly and brotherly relations between Iran and Turkey, saying, “We are determined to continue the great steps taken in relations between the two countries”.
Erdogan added, “Trade cooperation between the two countries by using national currencies has grown significantly and this trend will continue”.
He also said, “America’s sanctions against Iran are unconstructive, and in view of the Turkish government, preserving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is an important symbol of the success of dialogue and diplomacy.”
“We hope that as a result of today’s summit and finalization of the previous summit’s agreements in Sochi stability and security will prevail in the region, especially in Idlib,” he concluded.

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