Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Trump’s Criminal Tweet Exposes His Suicide-Seeking Disturbed Mind

It should not come as a surprise if Donald Trump were to suffer brain hemorrhage.

The symptoms have been there for some time, and on Sunday midnight they became quite clear when in a sudden surge of blood to his head, the US president, or dotard as he is known, thundered a terroristic tweet at the Islamic Republic of Iran, which means he kicked the ball in his own goalpost thereby giving Tehran another plus point in the psychological war his administration has started.

Having failed to grasp the diplomatic finesse of President Hojjat al-Islam Hassan Rouhani’s remarks earlier on Sunday to a gathering of Iranian diplomats abroad, of the "dangers for the US in trying to play with the lion’s tail”, since "peace with Iran is the Mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars,” Trump made a mad rush to fall in the trap of his own making by tweeting:

"Never, ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.”

Boastful words indeed from a maniac aspiring be a modern Pharaoh, little knowing that his wealth and his weapons are useless the moment Divine Wrath strikes him for threatening a country whose laws are based on the commandments of God Almighty.

Trump’s self-defeatist threat, along with the statement of Rouhani, ought to be preserved as a reminder for posterity of how a deranged president of what used to be the United States of America did irreparable damage to his brain cells, and not just hastened towards his own doom but speeded up the process of the downfall of his country.

Anyone with an iota of commonsense could perceive that Rouhani’s remarks contained a gem of an advice to Trump that meant to say: treat your traumatic mind and salvage your country’s prestige, while it is still not too late, by giving up the senseless animosity towards Iran and the delusion of American hegemony in our region.

Trump, however, facing intense bipartisan criticism after his humiliation in Helsinki a week earlier at the summit with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, and under relentless pressure from the official inquiry into the 2016 election campaign collusion with Russia, was obviously looking for what he deemed an easy target on which to vent his pent-up frustration, and without the least premeditation exposed the self-destructive thoughts that constantly flash across his disturbed mind.

He blundered for the umpteenth time, and thus proved the sagacity of the latest statement of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, of the futility of talks with the US, since the US cannot be trusted.

The Leader had told a gathering of foreign ministry staff and Iranian diplomats serving abroad on Saturday, July 21 in Tehran: "I have been reiterating this point for a long time that you cannot count on the words or even signatures of the Americans; therefore, negotiations with the US is useless.”
Of course, Trump is not more than a passing blip, and so is the team of thugs he has assembled in the White House, such as the gangster Mike Pompeo, the mustachioed bozo John Bolton and the hag Nikki Haley placed in the UN, but the civilized world, including Europe, ought to be on guard against the damage these crooks might do to world peace.

It is interesting to note that on 10th July in the Viewpoint Column of Kayhan International we had rightly said "The US State Department, which is presently looking more like headquarters of mafia dons”, under "Italian origin Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, whose appearance and mannerism resemble those of an underworld character rather than a diplomat.”

The harebrained Pompeo, whose Roman ancestors had never succeeded in conquering Iran’s Parthian and Sassanid Empires in the 700 years of warfare in the Levant, Mesopotamia and Anatolia, unwittingly borrowed the word "mafia” from us and made a laughing stock of himself by using it against the government of the Islamic Republic – to vociferous boos from the gathering he was addressing in California which demanded that he give up the delusion of changing the system of government of Iran and instead explain his administration’s cruelty in separating aggrieved immigrant parents from their crying children.

In conclusion, it could be said that we are at a historical juncture of history, where the illegal Zionist entity and its Arab reactionary friends, shivering at the prospects of a strong Syria, having defeated the terrorists, thanks to timely help from the Islamic Republic of Iran, will sooner than later, in alliance with tens of thousands of popular mobilization Muslim forces, start the campaign to liberate the entire Golan Heights and possible freedom for Bayt al-Moqaddas.

Thus, in a desperate bid to avert the inevitable, the Zionist-Wahhabi duo, in a vain bid to prolong their precarious existence, are egging the blockhead Trump to browbeat Iran into submission – a suicidal step which Insha Allah (God Willing) result in the total defeat of the unholy trinity.

Kayhan Int’l

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