Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Iran Confident of Islamic Ummah’s Victory Over Unholy Alliances

By: S. Nawabzadeh
The sanctities of Islam, irrespective of their geographical location and in whichever of the spurious time-bound political entities they may be situated at the moment, belong to the whole Ummah, which means the regimes that have usurped control over them, have no right either to desecrate these sites or place restrictions on the entry of Muslims into their sacred precincts. This was the gist of yesterday’s memorable message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on the threshold of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, concerning the three most sacred cities, that is, Mecca and Medina in Hijaz and Bayt al-Moqaddas in Palestine. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei minced no words when he said in a clear tone: "The Masjid al-Haraam in Mecca that encloses the holy Ka’ba, the Qibla (focal point) of the daily five-times-a-day ritual prayers of Muslims all over the world, belongs to all Muslims, and so does Medina – the holy city housing the blessed shrine of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) – and not to those who dominate the land where these most sacred Islamic sites are situated… Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia creates problems for the Hajj pilgrims and prevents some Hajj rituals from being performed.”
He also said in the most unambiguous words regarding the quixotic US president, Donald Trump’s devilish plot to Judaize most of the Zionist usurped land of Palestine: "The Americans call their satanic policy on Palestine ‘the deal of the century’ but to their dismay, by Divine Grace, this will never materialize, and the city of Bayt al-Moqaddas, the first Qibla of Muslims, will forever be for Muslims and will always remain the centre of Palestine.” It is an undeniable fact that in 1925, with Britain’s backing, the desert brigand of Najd, Abdul-Aziz Aal-e Saud – a salaried servant of the British crown who had earlier occupied the eastern Persian Gulf coast of Arabia – seized the Land of Revelation Hijaz by shedding torrents of Muslim blood in the sacred precincts of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, the Red Sea port of Jeddah and the Shi’a Muslim-majority mountain resort of Ta’ef. As a reward for his blasphemous crimes against Islam and Muslims, the spurious entity called Saudi Arabia was created in 1932 for him by Britain, which sixteen years later in 1948 planted in Palestine the illegal Zionist entity called Israel – having illegally settled between the Two World Wars tens of thousands of east European Khazar Jews in this Muslim land. The plot was to keep under perpetual colonial control the holiest sites of Islam, and thus, with the setting of the sun on the British Empire, London handed over both Arabia and Palestine to its imperialist heirs, the Americans.
For those still in doubt about the Jewish origin of the Saudi clan, the divisions and destabilization caused in the Muslim world by the heretical Wahhabis, mostly through their creation of Takfiri terrorist outfits, and their open dalliance now with their Zionist cousins against the interests of Palestinians and the rest of the Ummah, ought to be sufficient proof of the devilish designs of the archenemies of Islam. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in his Monday’s speech stressed Muslim unity for restoration of the dignity of the Ummah by pointing out that the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca is ample proof of the fact that there is no separation between religion and politics in Islam, or for that matter between the transient world and afterlife, as well as between spirituality and materialism. He cautioned the regime in Riyadh against meddling with the Hajj rituals and called for serious probe of the trampling to death in 2015 in the inviolable land of Mena of over 2,000 pilgrims including some 500 Iranians. Ayatollah Khamenei expressed regret: "Unfortunately, some Muslim states, due to their lack of belief in the essence of Islam – let alone the Palestinian cause – have turned into servants for the US and sacrifice themselves for the sake of the US. They will gain no benefits. By God’s grace, the Palestinian nation will gain victory over the enemies. The day will dawn when the Zionist entity is obliterated.” The Islamic Republic with its principled policies on Islamic affairs, as well as national, regional and international issues that include end of American hegemony throughout the region and a referendum under UN supervision to resolve once and for all the chronic question of the Zionist-usurped land of Palestine, has been target of the most intricate plots of the US, which following forty years of failure, has teamed up with the Zionist devils and the rootless, repressive, unrepresentative, reactionary Arab regimes, to try to browbeat Iran into submission.
With trust in God, with faith in its dedicated Muslims masses whose spectacular progress in all fields enables them to defend the interests of people throughout the neighbourhood, and with firm belief in the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS) for establishment of the global government of peace, prosperity and justice, Iran is confident of its grand victory over the Great Satan, the liberation of Palestine, and the rebuilding of the holy shrines in Hijaz – the Land of Revelation where only Islamic laws will prevail and not any heretical tendencies.

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