Thursday, October 17, 2024

What ‘Group 7’ cannot conceal

NOURNEWS – Group 7 cannot, on the one hand, claim to be concerned about regional security and seek to reduce tensions, while on the other hand, support the Zionist regime and demand that others remain indifferent to its aggressions.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), in coordination with the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics and the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army, carried out a missile operation called "Operation True Promise II" with 200 missiles, targeting some of the Zionist regime's military and security centers. In this operation, three main military airbases of the Zionist regime, including the Mossad headquarters, the Nevatim airbase, which is the main storage facility for F-35 fighter jets, the Hatzerim airbase, which is the base of operations for the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, strategic radar systems, and the gathering centers of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and personnel of the Zionist regime in the Gaza region were targeted.

In the "Operation True Promise II", civilians were not targeted, as Iran, unlike the Zionist regime, which prides itself on child-killing and genocide, adheres to ethical warfare.

In response to this operation, the leaders of Group 7 issued a joint statement expressing deep concern over the "deteriorating situation" in the Middle East and simultaneously condemning "Iran's direct attack on Israel" in the strongest terms.

The leaders of Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Japan, Canada, and the United States stated in the statement: " We, the Leaders of the G7, express deep concern over the deteriorating situation in the Middle East and condemn in the strongest terms Iran’s direct military attack against Israel, which constitutes a serious threat to regional stability." The G7 leaders also reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring Israel's security. They claimed that “a dangerous cycle of attacks and retaliation risks fuelling uncontrollable escalation in the Middle East, which is in no one’s interest. Therefore, we call on all regional players to act responsibly and with restraint.”

These claims by the G7 leaders come as several points are worth noting regarding their claims, their role, and the developments in West Asia.

Firstly, the "Operation True Promise II" is based on the legal right under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and the right to self-defense, and Iran does not seek permission or approval from any country to exercise its rights. Iran, in addition to confronting any threat to its territorial integrity, considers itself responsible for maintaining regional security and will not hesitate to take any necessary action, and alongside its comprehensive support for the Resistance Front, will respond firmly and decisively to any aggressor or disruptor of regional security whenever it deems necessary. The Islamic Republic will fulfill any duty it has in this regard with power and firmness, and will neither delay nor rush in fulfilling this duty.

On this basis, the supporters of the Zionist regime cannot conceal this truth and the achievements of the "Operation True Promise II" by issuing statements and making baseless claims or false accusations, such as Iran's role in the US elections, security threats in Sweden and Denmark, and so on.

Group 7 should understand the messages of "Operation True Promise II", including that Iran does not want war but will not flee from it, any aggression against Iran will receive a punitive response, Iran's operational capabilities, and the blow to Israel's strategic targets and its main supporter, the United States, has been made possible. They should also understand that the backing of the system for a crushing response to threats is the people's support, and refrain from repeating the mistake of supporting the Zionist regime.

Secondly, the track record of many Group 7 members shows that over the past 75 years, including during the recent year of genocide in Gaza, they have not only been supporters but also partners of the Zionist regime. These countries have provided billions of dollars in arms and military aid to the regime and have hindered punishment and accountability for the regime in international forums. As a result, the Zionist regime's crimes in the region have undoubtedly been carried out with the support and complicity of these countries. For example, while the leaders of London claim to be seeking a diplomatic solution, the British website Classified revealed that the UK cabinet has authorized 100 spy flights over the Gaza Strip to provide intelligence support to the Zionist regime.

In any case, the participation of any country in potential threats by the Zionist regime against Iran will be met with a response from Tehran, as the Islamic Republic of Iran's representative to the United Nations advised the supporters of the Israeli regime: "Our advice is that they do not enter into the conflict between the Israeli regime and Iran and stay away from the battle. Our response will solely be to the aggressor. If a country helps the aggressor, that country will be considered as a complicit in the crime and a legitimate target."

Thirdly, Group 7, as well as the United States and the European troika, claim that Iran is a threat to security, while the reaction of countries and nations around the world, and their jubilation over the "Operation True Promise II", demonstrate global trust and confidence in the correctness of Iran's behavior. The global reaction has revealed the legitimacy and righteousness of the "Operation True Promise II" and Iran's security-establishing actions in the region, while also exposing the condemnation of the Zionist regime's crimes in the eyes of the world, and the fact that Western leaders are on the wrong side of history, participating in the regime's crimes.

Fourthly, the West's frantic efforts to condemn Iran's missile attack and declare their support for the Zionist regime can be seen as clear evidence of the accuracy and achievement of the goals of the "Operation True Promise II", and the falsity of the Zionist regime's attempts to downplay these achievements. Although the Zionist regime and Western media have tried to censor the news of the blows inflicted on the regime, making them appear minimal and insignificant, the satellite images have forced them to confess, and the West's frantic efforts to declare their support for the Zionist regime and restrain Tehran from continuing to respond to this regime have revealed the depth and greatness of the "Operation True Promise II" and the extensive damage it has inflicted on the regime.

Fifthly, the Westerners claim to be taking steps towards a ceasefire and reducing tensions in the region, including helping Lebanon, but first, they have taken no action towards a ceasefire in the past year, and by supporting the Zionist regime, they have actually prevented even the smallest ceasefire from occurring. Second, in the case of Lebanon, the Westerners have not fulfilled any of their promises so far. The European Union, which includes some members of the G7, has claimed to provide $30 million in aid to Lebanon, but this is a far cry from the $1 billion in aid they promised a few months ago, and the billions of dollars in economic aid they promised at the Paris meetings, none of which have been realized. The current situation in Lebanon is, on the one hand, the result of Western support and complicity with the Zionist regime, and on the other hand, the consequence of the West's broken economic promises to the country, which once again reveals the West's lack of commitment and unacceptable nature of their promises.

In any case, Group 7 cannot, on the one hand, claim to be concerned about regional security and try to reduce tensions, while on the other hand, support the Zionist regime and demand that others remain indifferent to the Zionist regime's aggressions.

It is an undeniable truth that the Palestinian people have the right to stand up against the enemy that has occupied and destroyed their land and lives. This is a solid logic that is confirmed by international laws. The Palestinian people have the right to stand up against them, and no court has the right to criticize the Palestinian people for standing up against the usurping enemy. No one has the right to criticize the Lebanese people and Hezbollah for defending Gaza and the Palestinian people's uprising. This is both rational and international logic, as well as Islamic logic. Defending Palestine and helping them is legitimate.

The Operation Al-Aqsa Storm was a correct and legal international movement, and the Palestinians were in the right. The Lebanese people's defense of the Palestinian people is also reasonable, logical, and legitimate, and no one has the right to criticize them.

At the same time, the brilliant work of Iran's armed forces was completely legal and legitimate. What the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran did was the least punishment for the Zionist regime's astonishing crimes, and the Western world cannot conceal this truth. The Zionist regime is a wolf-like and rabid dog, and the United States is its master, and the West cannot deny this reality.

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