Wednesday, August 21, 2024

US Complicity in Israel’s Gaza Genocide

By: Kayhan International

The US city of Chicago was the scene of a huge demonstration on Monday by American citizens expressing support for the rights of the long persecuted Palestinian people and denouncing their genocide in Gaza by the Zionist entity in collaboration with the Joe Biden regime in Washington.
They delivered a strong message to the National Convention of the ruling Democratic Party and its candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, Vice President Kamala Harris, who brazenly backs the holocaust in Gaza.
Harris’ boss, ‘Genocidal Joe’ or ‘Biden the Butcher’ continues to ship hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons to the illegal Zionist entity, besides  hundreds of more billion dollars of the US tax payers’ hard-earned money in cash, all the while pretending to favour a ceasefire.
The tens of thousands of protesters assembled at Chicago’s Union Park on Monday on the first day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in a show of solidarity with the people in Gaza and against the Biden regime’s financial and military support for the Zionist entity.
They waved Palestinian flags and placards in bold letters that read: “End US aid to Israel”, “Stop the war in Gaza”, “Palestine should be free from the River (Jordan) to the (Mediterranean) Sea”, “Both Democrats & Republicans have blood on their hands,” and “No votes for Kamala until arms embargo for Israel.”
The rally dubbed “March on the DNC” drew over a hundred thousand people, inspired by the ongoing student protests at the university campuses throughout the US. 
A group of protestors known as “Anti-Genocide Delegations” say they will use their right of free speech at the DNC this week to make their case, vowing to force the White House to ban arms aid to individuals and groups that have committed human rights violations.
The US is the Zionist entity’s principal arms supplier, provides intelligence support to worsen the genocide in Gaza, and continues to block UN resolutions calling for immediate ceasefire in the besieged Palestinian territory.
US police brutality was not missing at the Chicago gathering. Police savagely attacked the peaceful protestors and arrested several of them in violation of their right to stage demonstrations.
Over the past ten months, the US-directed Israeli holocaust in Gaza has seen the slaughter of at least 40,173 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injury to almost a hundred thousand others, many of them maimed for life.

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