Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Biden's latest efforts


TEHRAN - In a conversation with Rahman Ghahremanpour, a researcher of Middle East issues, Donya-e-Eqtesad dealt with the visit of Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar.

It wrote: Qatar is involved in two issues, one is the Gaza negotiations and the Israeli war, and the other is the nuclear negotiations with the United States. Doha plays a role in both cases of Iran. Naturally, this trip was carried out for these two topics because we are getting close to the time of elections in the United States, and the ceasefire in Gaza is very important for the Democrats, so that they can win the votes of the Arabs living in the United States, and it is important for them to have a communication channel with the new government in Iran. Washington was probably trying to send a message to Tehran and receive its answer. In fact, Iran's role in the axis of resistance and its connection with this axis is very important for the Western parties, and we have seen that in the past days, they have been sending messages to Tehran so that they can control the tensions in the region through Iran.

Iran: A serious change in the political atmosphere of Iran

The Iran newspaper wrote about the trip of the Qatari official to Tehran: This trip was done while the 14th government started its regional policy with a positive approach towards the neighbors and Arab countries and has emphasized that the priority is on friendly and close relations with all neighbors and Arab actors. Based on this approach, the new government will try to move forward from the point of view of the balance of power towards ensuring regional security through increasing cooperation and economic exchanges, and has put the policy of de-escalation and building mutual trust on the agenda. From this point of view, the visit of the high-ranking official of Qatar to Tehran and choosing Iraq as the first possible visit of the president of Iran in the coming days indicate a serious change in the political atmosphere governing the strategic relations of the Islamic Republic in the field of foreign policy. The relations turn the serious political situation in the relations between Iran and the Arab countries into economic relations and can be the organizer of the new economic order between these countries.

Shargh: Revival of the JCPOA is not for the benefit of the West

Shargh devoted its editorial to the West's lack of interest in revitalizing the JCPOA and said: It seems that the revival of the JCPOA is not desirable for the four Western countries for three reasons. But making such a demand can put Iran in a strong position and the West in a difficult position. First of all, the West cannot ignore the accusations against Iran regarding military support for Russia in the war in Ukraine and support for Hamas in the war in Gaza and Iran's internal issues, and enter into negotiations with Iran, the end of which will be the lifting of most of the sanctions against Iran. Iran should avoid tying the lifting of sanctions to geopolitical conflicts that are detrimental to Iran. Secondly, the revival of the JCPOA will clearly benefit Iran, and in case of the revival of the JCPOA, the use of the "snap mechanism" will be removed from the agenda of the Security Council. Thirdly, due to Iran's nuclear progress, the basic principle of the United States of determining at least one year of nuclear breakout time for Iran has become practically impossible, and for this reason, the United States is in a difficult position to accept the revival of the JCPOA.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Iran does not accept mediation for revenge

In its editorial, Siasat-e-Rooz pointed out Tehran's positions after the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh. The paper said: Some media and political circles have claimed that the Qatari authorities have demanded mediation to prevent taking revenge for the assassination of martyr Haniyeh. First, the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes that a mediator will never prevent the revenge of martyr Haniyeh and the revenge will be certain. Secondly, along with comprehensive support for Palestine, Tehran always emphasizes that the fate of this nation will be determined by themselves. Based on this, the word about Qatar's mediation to change Iran's point of view on the Palestinian issue and the ceasefire negotiations has no meaning. Thirdly, the issue of negotiations between Iran and the West, including in the case of ??the JCPOA, is also very clear, and that is that the Western side must fulfill its JCPOA obligations. But the Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes the principle of mediation and that is the effort to bring the countries of the region as close as possible in friendly interactions to form a strong region, an approach that in the current situation can play an important role for West Asia in the new world order.

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