Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Iranian women crowned champions of World Cup Team C'ships

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Following the Iranian men, the Iranian women team won the title of the World Taekwondo World Cup Team Championships Series in Chuncheon, Korea.

The Iranian female team beat defending champions Morocco to win $10,000 in cash, Tehran Times reported.

Korea beat Côte d'Ivoire and came third and earned $5,000 in prize money.

A total of 69 athletes from the six countries competed in the World Cup Team Championships Series.

The World Cup Team Championships Series will be followed by the World Taekwondo Demonstration & Breaking Championships on Thursday (July 4) and the World Para Taekwondo Open Challenge on Friday (July 5).

The victory came a day after the Iranian male team completed a successful defense of the title on the first day and clinched the gold medal and $10,000 in prize money with victory against the hosts Korea in the final at the Air Dome at Song-Am Sports Town.

It marked a fifth consecutive triumph in the male event at the World Cup Team Championships Series for Iran, who dominated the competition and won their semi-final against Côte d'Ivoire in three rounds and the final against Korea in two rounds.

Korea had beaten both India and Morocco in two rounds to reach the final, and collected $7,000 in prize money for their silver medal.

Bronze went to Morocco, who beat Côte d'Ivoire over three rounds to earn $5,000 in prize money.

It was a successful opening day of competition in Chuncheon, which is hosting three premier World Taekwondo events this week.

Despite Its Lies Being Exposed, Israel Continues To Peddle Them

Ayman Ahmed

In the unlikely event that Benjamin Netanyahu is arrested and brought before the International Criminal Court (ICC) to face war crimes charges, he will plead insanity. This would come as no surprise. Barring a few exceptions, the entire Israeli society is made up of raving lunatics.

Even mad dogs behave better. After all, who would consider it normal to kill and maim more than 120,000 people, the vast majority of them women and children, to no purpose except to spread terror? Israeli politicians and generals admit that Netanyahu has not achieved any of his stated objectives in the nine-month long war and will not do so.

Israel’s genocidal war is based on a pack of lies, duly amplified by western politicians and the media. The zionist narrative goes as follows: Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack sparked the crisis. They killed and raped Israeli women. The death toll was put at 1400. Later it was revised down to 1200 and now stands at 1139. The zionists also alleged that Hamas “beheaded 40 Israeli babies”!

Prior to Hamas’s operation, it was all normal. The “normalcy” that Israel is referring to was its army killing Palestinians. When the Palestinians decided to defend themselves, it became abnormal. When a dog bites man, it is normal; if a man tries to defends himself, well, it is abnormal.

The killing and rape allegations have been exposed as lies by multiple Israeli sources. Given people’s short memory, or propensity to lie (a la Joe Biden, Piers Morgan et al), we need to reiterate them for the record and expose these lies using Israeli sources. Why Israel resorts to such brazen lies also needs analysis.

When Hamas launched its daring operation against Israeli occupation forces on October 7, it shocked the zionist military and political leaders. They did not imagine in their wildest dreams that Hamas could carry out such a sophisticated operation. Zionist leaders were so traumatized that for many hours they did not know what to do.

No emergency cabinet meeting was called to discuss the situation. It was the US Army Central Command in Amman, Jordan that convened a meeting to take charge and comfort the shell-shocked zionists.

Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigade fighters attacked Israeli military bases and killed enemy soldiers without facing much resistance. Some Israeli officers fled to their underground bunkers to seek refuge. Hamas fighters were surprised at the ease with which they achieved their military objectives.

They also captured many settlers in Kibbutz Be’eri. The Israeli regime alleged that Hamas fighters not only killed civilians, they also “raped women” and “beheaded 40 babies”. What is the truth behind these allegations?

As Greyzone reported, the “beheaded babies” story was peddled by a notorious anti-Palestinian zionist bigot, David Ben Zion. “In an October 10 interview with reporter Nicole Zedek of the Israeli state-sponsored i24 network, Ben Zion claimed, ‘We walked door to door, we killed a lot of terrorists. They are very bad. They cut heads of children, they cut heads of women. But we are stronger than them’.”

This lie and the one about rapes was eagerly picked up by western media outlets with the Los Angeles Times reporter Jonah Goldberg taking the lead. True, the LA Times issued a retraction of sorts later but other US and British media outlets and officials continued to peddle these lies.

The British security minister Tom Tugendhat went even further. Giving full rein to his sexually fertile imagination, he alleged on British television that “people in Israel had been raped to death.” The Israeli army, however, refused to confirm these allegations.

The most scandalous statements were made by US President Joe Biden on two consecutive days: October 10 and 11. Biden said on October 10: “There are moments in this life when pure unadulterated evil is unleashed in this world.”

He went on: “Stomach-turning reports of babies being killed” and “women raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies.” He claimed to have seen photos of “beheaded babies” and “raped women”. When American reporters asked the White House to provide these photos, the White House walked back these claims. It offered the lame excuse that the president was referring to media reports.

Equally scandalous was the conduct of Israeli ambassador at the UN. Gilad Erdan alleged at a UN panel organized by the zionists that Hamas fighters had raped Israeli women, using it as a weapon of war!

The Israeli War Minister Yoav Gallant was not to be left out. He alleged that Hamas commanders had come with specific instructions about which [female] soldiers to rape. Published in the Washington Post, the newspaper later deleted the rape allegation at the request of Gallant, as it put it!

Not every western journalist accepted Israeli allegations at face value. Max Blumenthal revealed in his October 27 piece that Israeli civilians were killed not by Hamas fighters but by the Israeli army. His investigative report based on Israeli sources is worth repeating to understand what really happened on October 7.

“Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be’eri, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the Israeli army.

“He told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, ‘the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages.’

“A separate report published in Haaretz noted that the Israeli military was ‘compelled to request an aerial strike’ against its own facility inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza ‘in order to repulse the terrorists’ who had seized control. That base was filled with Israeli Civil Administration officers and soldiers at the time.

“These reports indicate that orders came down from the military’s high command to attack homes and other areas inside Israel, even at the cost of many Israeli lives.

“An Israeli woman named Yasmin Porat confirmed in an interview with Israel Radio that the military ‘undoubtedly’ killed numerous Israeli non-combatants during gun battles with Hamas militants on October 7. ‘They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,’ she stated, referring to Israeli special forces.

“As David Sheen and Ali Abunimah reported in Electronic Intifada, Porat described ‘very, very heavy crossfire’ and Israeli tank shelling, which led to many casualties among Israelis.”

Porat’s admission about the humane treatment at the hands of Hamas should dispel the vile anti-Hamas propaganda. Blumenthal writes: “While being held by the Hamas gunmen, Porat recalled, ‘They [Hamas] did not abuse us. We were treated very humanely… No one treated us violently.’ (Emphasis added).

“She added, ‘The objective was to kidnap us to Gaza, not to murder us.’”

The capture by Hamas of hundreds of Israeli soldiers and civilians and taken to Gaza as prisoners confirmed what Porat had said. This was the biggest haul of Israeli prisoners ever captured since the zionist entity’s creation. It provided Hamas with a powerful bargaining tool to secure the release of thousands of Palestinians kidnapped from their homes by the zionists.

This naturally leads to the question: why did the zionists and their western allies peddle such blatant lies? The simple answer is that demonization of Hamas was essential to justify Israeli war crimes against Gaza’s civilian population. A former advisor to Israeli prime minister candidly admitted this.

A London Times investigation found Israel’s sexual assault allegation “does not stand up to scrutiny.” Orit Sulitzeanu, the executive director of Israel’s Association of Rape Crisis Centers was quoted as saying: “The politicization of rape by the Israeli government was part of the political agenda of this government.... I did not think that was sensible...”

While a UN probe found Israel guilty of Extermination, Torture, and Other War Crimes in Gaza, it was “unable to verify reports of sexualized torture” by Palestinian groups. Instead, the inquiry found sexual violence by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians.

Based on these lies, Israel has used US-supplied F-15 and F-16 planes to bomb the tiny Gaza Strip destroying its entire infrastructure. Hospitals, schools, houses, mosques and bakeries have all been bombed and destroyed. Israeli political and military leaders have made no secret of making “Gaza unlivable”. With more than 38,000 people killed and another 85,000 plus injured, it has rightly been called a genocide.

At least 1.7 million Palestinians have been turned into refugees, forcing them to move multiple times under Israeli bombardment. The vast majority are on the verge of starvation which the racist zionists use as a weapon of war.

Hamas did not kill Israeli civilians. Nor did its fighters rape Israeli women or behead babies. These barbaric acts have been perpetrated by the zionists who continue to make scandalously racist remarks about Palestinians.

Zionist Israel

Iran can become BRICS’s corridor for agricultural exports

Iranian official

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Iran will turn into the corridor of the agricultural export of the BRICS member states, an Iranian official with the ministry of agriculture said on Tuesday.

Iran is located in a region that allows for exporting many products of the BRICS member countries through the international north-south, east-west, rail and air corridors, according to Iran’s Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Agricultural Affairs Alireza Mohajer.

He made the remarks at the 14th meeting of the agriculture ministers of the BRICS group of the emerging economies held last week in Moscow, where he also said that BRICS member states make up more than 40 percent of the population in the world and account for 30 percent of the world’s economy, so that the BRICS member states can create a special condition in producing, trading and exporting food products.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the official pointed to the potential created for the removal of the import and export barriers. 

About 40% of the grain in the world is traded by BRICS member states and these countries can easily export these products to the world through Iran’s southern ports, he opined.

Also, Iran can play a part in the imports of the corn and soybean products of the countries like Brazil to the BRICS states, the deputy minister of agriculture added.

Saudis Turn Hajj Into A Death Trap For Pilgrims

Khadijah Ali 

How many pilgrims died during the recently-concluded Hajj, we will never know. The Saudis are notorious for obfuscating numbers as well as showing extreme indifference to the well-being of pilgrims.

On June 23, the Saudi regime put the number of people who died at more than 1,300. “Regrettably, the number of mortalities reached 1,301, with 83 percent being unauthorised to perform Hajj and having walked long distances under direct sunlight, without adequate shelter or comfort,” the official Saudi Press Agency reported.

Quoting an unnamed Saudi security source, the Middle East Eye (MEE) reported that the actual death toll might be three to four times higher than reported. He added that no official comment would be made on these numbers unless the deaths were due to an accident.

While some deaths occur every year during Hajj due to illness, accidents or old age, this year’s deaths have been attributed directly to Saudi negligence. Soaring temperatures and lack of shelter have been cited as reasons for the deaths. The Saudis have also blamed “unauthorized” pilgrims saying the majority of those who died were “unregistered”, mainly from Egypt.

No doubt, extreme temperatures were a major factor. Given the time of year—June—were the authorities unaware of this fact, or living in their air-conditioned offices and houses, they did not realize what it was like outside?

The issue of “unauthorized” pilgrims also needs proper examination. How did they end up in Saudi Arabia, regardless of where they came from?

In recent years, the Saudis have been issuing tourist visas in a bid to promote tourism. While theoretically such visitors are not allowed to perform Hajj, how and why they were allowed entry into Makkah for Hajj?

Surely, that was a decision made by the Saudi authorities. Entry into Makkah even for properly authorized and registered pilgrims is strictly controlled. Anyone who has performed Hajj knows that there are many control points where every pilgrim’s passport and visa are checked.

Prior to Hajj, the Saudi regime announced that its security forces had removed more than 390,000 unregistered individuals from Makkah. The vast majority were Egyptians.

Quoting an Egyptian Hajj mission official, the MEE reported that Saudi security forces launched an unprecedented crackdown in Makkah in the days leading up to Arafah Day on June 15 (the day of Hajj). The aim, ostensibly was to remove all individuals without Hajj permits.

The Saudi regime had issued a Hajj badge, called the Nusuk Card, to every registered pilgrim. This is an identification card that allows pilgrims access to all sacred sites and services. It must be carried throughout the Hajj period from arrival to departure.

Trying to catch up with the twenty-first century, the Saudis decided to go electronic. The Hajj badge was supposed to be the regime’s ultimate control mechanism during Hajj. It contained information about the person’s health record, place of accommodation during Hajj and contact information of their group’s leader. Even grocery stores and restaurants were required to see it before providing services.

The Saudis are control freaks but any action that facilitates the well-being of pilgrims should be welcomed. However, what is the use of the badge if its enforcement is abandoned by the Saudi authorities themselves?

There were large scale arrests of unauthorized pilgrims who were expelled from Makkah a week prior to Hajj. However, a day before Hajj, this policy was abandoned and all unregistered people were allowed entry into Makkah. Who made this decision and why?

To understand its impact on Hajj services, consider this. All registered pilgrims are provided transportation from Makkah to Mina and onwards to Arafat. The pilgrims pay for these services in advance through their Hajj operators.

The Saudis have built air-conditioned trains from Makkah to Mina and from Mina to Arafat to transport pilgrims. From Mina to Arafat, buses are also used for the 18 km journey.

With some 400,000 “unregistered” pilgrims that were suddenly allowed into Makkah, the Saudis had no plans for how to transport these additional pilgrims. They were left to fend for themselves. Even many properly registered pilgrims who had paid in advance for all the services, were denied transportation from Mina to Arafat.

With temperatures reaching 51 degrees Celsius, and no shade or water along the 15 km route from Mina to Arafat, many pilgrims had to walk. They collapsed under the scorching heat and died of heat stroke. Others died in Mina after spending the day in Arafat.

Eyewitnesses have recounted horrible tales of Saudi callousness. For instance, “unregistered” pilgrims were barred from the air-conditioned train stations in Mina, according to social media accounts. The Saudis did not want people to take shelter there. Pilgrims would create mess in these “nice” train stations! That was more important than preventing them from dying.

Whenever pilgrims approached the Saudi security personnel or ambulance workers to help their loved ones who had collapsed due to heat, the Saudis just shrugged their shoulders and walked away.

Was this a deliberate Saudi policy to punish the unregistered pilgrims? One cannot help but draw this conclusion, given the very high number of deaths.

This brings us to the question of the administration of the affairs of Hajj and the fundamental duty of Muslims during this sacred obligation. For decades, Crescent International has said that the Saudis are unfit to administer the affairs of Hajj. The almost annual disasters that afflict pilgrims is proof of Saudi incompetence compounded by their callousness.

An even more fundamental issue is the Qur’anic obligation of pilgrims to proclaim their dissociation from the mushrikeen at the time of Hajj (Surah Al-Tawbah [9]: ayat 1-12).

At a press conference on June 6, the Saudi Minister of Hajj, Tawfiq Al-Rabiah said that “Hajj is for worship, not for any political slogans.” This was a clear attempt to bar Muslims from expressing anguish over the plight of Palestinians in Ghazzah and their condemnation of the dhulm being perpetrated by the zionists and imperialists.

The Saudi minister went on to say that the regime wants to ensure “that Hajj truly embodies the highest levels of devotion, tranquility, and spirituality.” For decades, the Saudis have denounced spirituality as bid‘ah. So, it is no longer bid‘ah?

But we are forced to ask, is the Saudi minister unaware of Allah’s command in Surah al-Tawbah, or the Saudis follow a different Qur’an, astaghfirullah? They are more concerned about not offending their real masters—the zionists and imperialists—than following the commands of Allah.

Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaHajj

German intelligence chief meets with Hezbollah deputy head

Amid escalation of Gaza war

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah has once again asserted that it will stop retaliatory strikes against Israel once the Gaza war comes to an end amid rising tension with the Israeli regime.

Hezbollah's Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem made the remarks in a meeting with German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) Deputy Director Ole Diehl at the weekend, Israeli media reported

The meeting was reportedly centered on the rising tensions between Hezbollah and Israel, how a full-scale war could be avoided and a demand an end to Hezbollah’s retaliatory strikes against the Israeli regime in support of Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to the report.

The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar daily said on Monday that both parties declined to comment on the meeting, but German news agencies said that an intelligence plane from the European country had made a brief stop at Beirut International Airport on Saturday evening.

According to informed sources, “the meeting’s atmosphere was positive.”

The report alleged that the German envoy had conveyed Israel's intention to return the displaced Israeli settlers to kibbutzes in the northern Israeli-occupied territories and that it would wage war on Hezbollah if necessary in order to achieve this objective.

Qassem's response echoed his earlier comments to Diehl in January, emphasizing that any talk of a ceasefire in southern Lebanon is contingent upon the ceasefire in Gaza. He reportedly urged Germany to put pressure on Israel to stop its aggression.

“Unless the war stops in Gaza, it cannot stop in Lebanon,” Qassem said more recently, on January 26.

Hezbollah's senior official stated that the resistance in Lebanon is not scared of the enemy's threats of a full-scale war. "Their strength and readiness, along with their unwavering courage, provide a strong defense against any potential conflict," he declared.

The meeting in Beirut was the second between the two officials amid Western efforts to separate the Lebanese front from the Palestinian front and persuade the resistance to stop supporting Hamas resistance movement.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in a telephone conversation with Iran's interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani on Friday asked Tehran to help prevent further escalation in the region, days after calling on global powers to mediate a decrease in regional tensions.

Baerbock called for an “urgently needed” ceasefire in the besieged Gaza Strip. “This will also calm the northern front,” she said.

During her one-day visit to Beirut last week, Baerbock warned that a “miscalculation” could trigger a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah.

Last week, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned that “no place” in the Israeli-occupied territories would be spared from the group’s weapons in the event of a full-blown war.

Nasrallah also said Hezbollah would attack any other country in the region that assisted Israel in the war effort, citing Cyprus, which has hosted Israeli forces for training.

Iran to back Hezbollah if 'Israel' widens war on Lebanon: Official

By Al Mayadeen English 

Source: Financial Times

Iran's former foreign minister and head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations underscores Iran's unequivocal support for Hezbollah in the event of a full-scale war initiated by "Israel", which he emphasized would engulf the region.  

If "Israel" launches an all-out war against Lebanon, it would risk triggering a regional war in which Tehran and the Axis of Resistance are prepared to support the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah, with all means to confront the Israeli aggression, said former Iranian FM and Head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Kamal Kharrazi in an interview with the Financial Times (FT).

Kharrazi told FT that Iran was “not interested” in a regional war and urged the US to put pressure on "Israel" to prevent further escalation, stressing that in the case of a full-scale war, “All Lebanese people, Arab countries, and members of the Axis of Resistance will support Lebanon against Israel.”

In the interview, he explained that “There would be a chance of expansion of the war to the whole region, in which all countries including Iran would become engaged,” adding that “in that situation, we would have no choice, but to support Hezbollah by all means.”

“The expansion of war is not in the interest of anyone — not Iran or the US," he said. 

Since the outbreak of the war, Hezbollah and Israeli occupation forces have engaged in confrontations, the Yemeni Armed Forces have carried out operations in the Red Sea and launched missiles and drones at "Israel", the Resistance movements in Iraq and Syria have targeted US troops and fired missiles and drones at "Israel", and Iran launched the first direct Iranian strike against "Israel" from its soil.

Israeli war on Lebanon and Iranian elections - a closer look 

In a similar context, earlier last month, Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations warned that a full-scale Israeli attack on Lebanon would lead to an "obliterating" war.

The concerns arise as Iranians prepare for a transition to a new government following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash in May. A run-off presidential election is scheduled for Friday.

Kharrazi indicated that although there might be "some differences" in approach depending on the election outcome, the overarching foreign policy strategy, determined by Sayyed Khamenei, would remain unchanged.

He highlighted that the election presented an opportunity for "new openings" between Iran and the West. However, achieving this would require Western states to step back from current policies and negotiate with Iran on equal footing and with mutual respect, according to FT.

Kharrazi added, “If they decide to cooperate, we are ready for cooperation.”

New JCPOA opening 

He stated that the Islamic Republic is prepared to engage in indirect talks with Washington concerning Tehran's nuclear program under a new government, provided it paves the way for the US to rejoin the 2015 agreement Iran signed with global powers, known as the JCPOA.

Since former US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018 and imposed extensive sanctions on Iran, tensions have persisted between Iran and the West. Although the Biden administration attempted to revive the accord, diplomatic endeavors fell apart amid US obstinance and Washington's refusal to remove sanctions placed by Trump on Iran.

Iran has been enriching uranium to 60% purity, nearing weapons-grade levels, for over three years. According to experts, Iran now possesses enough fissile material to manufacture approximately three nuclear bombs in a matter of weeks.

That said, Kharrazi explained, "We are not pursuing the development of nuclear weapons," referencing a fatwa issued by Sayyed Khamenei in 2003 that prohibits their production. However, he acknowledged that if Iran were confronted with an existential threat, "naturally, we would have to reconsider our doctrine," without elaborating further on the specifics.

Sanctions on Iran

He further warned that if the West were to invoke "snapback" provisions to reinstate UN sanctions lifted under the JCPOA due to Iran's ongoing nuclear program expansion, "there would be a severe reaction from Iran in terms of changing its nuclear strategy."

"Thus far, we have not made a decision to exceed 60 percent enrichment," he clarified. "However, we have been focused on broadening our expertise through the utilization of various machines and configurations."

Turkey, US in talks on nuclear plant projects

Turkish official

TEHRAN, (MNA) –  Turkey is holding talks with the United States on the construction of large-scale nuclear power plants and small modular reactors (SMR), a senior Turkish Energy Ministry official said on Tuesday.

"The USA is showing serious interest in Turkey's goal of increasing its nuclear energy capacity and building new power plants," the official Yusuf Ceylan told Reuters at a conference on nuclear power plants.

"We're working with them to try to lessen their dependency (on Russia) in whatever ways we can," he added.

Ceylan said negotiations continued with South Korea and Russia for a second nuclear power plant planned to be built in the Black Sea region of Sinop, and with China's SPIC for a third nuclear power plant in northwest Turkey's Thrace region.

The construction of Turkey's first 4,800 MW nuclear power plant by Russia's Rosatom is continuing at Akkuyu in Turkey's Mediterranean region.

Turkey plans to build three four-reactor nuclear plants and complement them with SMRs for a total of 20,000 MW generation capacity to diversify its electricity production mix.

The battle against Western arrogance

By Hasan Abu Ali 

Source: Al Mayadeen English

Until we, as a people, are seen as more than mere barbarians, our merits will not be understood, our successes will not be replicated, and our achievements will not be topped.  

There is a wonderful talk hosted by the Masar Badil with a spokesman from the Ansarallah movement, and I urge you to watch it if you can. It is crucial in times like this to hear directly from the Resistance.

There is this one phrase he said that is stuck in my head: We are in a battle against Western arrogance.

Although everything he said was poignant and incredibly useful, this phrase in particular made the unity between political work in the homeland [Palestine] and in the diaspora incredibly clear.

In the homeland, the operative tool of this arrogance is the military and its mouthpieces. Netanyahu and his underlings spout off incoherent nonsense every two days about how they are this close to winning the war, destroying Hamas, and freeing the hostages. The Resistance counters, firmly grounded in the reality on the ground, and with a confidence recognized worldwide, that Netanyahu has barely managed to free a few hostages. That its command and control remain robust, and with each passing day, Netanyahu's pride and legitimacy suffer irreparable blows. The Resistance, of course, suffers greatly in all this, but as martyr Basil Al Araj puts it "we are far more capable of bearing the costs".

The Resistance's confidence is built on a sturdy foundation of the promises it has kept. They give us footage of conflagrated tanks, fighters literally jumping for joy, and, in general, the triumph of indigenous ingenuity over imperialist hubris. This is the difference between arrogance and confidence: Evidence. The supposed evidence of Zionist greatness is blasted on Western TV channels 24/7, yet it is convincing to no one. The English language news of the Resistance is concentrated in a single Telegram channel, and a few prominent Twitter accounts, all of which are constantly suppressed and even outright banned, and yet, millions are tuning in.

In a more just world, this tuning in, and the support that flows from it, would be the primary political activity of the world's progressive masses. In the Middle East and among some of its diaspora, this is what political work looks like. But "the colonial world is a world cut in two", so for much of the "developed world", this is not the case. The colonial world, including its progressives, cannot possibly accept the leadership of an Islamic or Arab Resistance.

The Arabic word for arrogance is 'istikbar'. The root, k-b-r, means big or bigger, so the word literally means "to make yourself bigger". The Western left, despite having had virtually no successes since the fall of the Soviet Union, thinks of itself so highly that it can choose to ignore and minimize the anti-imperialist Resistance in the Middle East.

Abdaljawad Omar's wonderful essay, The Question of Hamas and the Left, addresses this issue directly. The piece's core concept is that the global Left, but especially those in the West, refuse to engage with the reality of Palestine and, especially with Hamas as a leading force. He says, "One cannot claim solidarity with Palestine and dismiss, overlook, or exclude Hamas."

In the West, especially in America, this dismissal has a singular and underappreciated root: the deep-seated anti-Arab anti-Muslim sentiment implanted in people's hearts and minds over the past few decades.

Most on the Left have at least a cursory understanding of Cold War propaganda: The constant deluge of anti-communist demonization that Americans, especially but the West tout court, were exposed to for decades. The media campaign against Arabs and Muslims over the past 3 decades is like that, but with modern media and military might, and directed at a mass of people rather than, as with the Soviet Union, a coherent political force capable of rebuffing cultural or physical annihilation.

This is unsurprising, as both the military and media machinery that make this possible both find their origin in post-Cold War surplus. A full discussion of that phenomenon is beyond the scope of this essay, but suffice it to say this was prefigured since the fall of the USSR. Take for instance this 1990 quote by the feminist and pacifist philosopher Ursula Franklin:

It will be very interesting to see what's going to happen now in the current situation with the Soviet Union and the USA. And I would venture that the social and political needs for an enemy are so deeply entrenched in the real world of technology as we know it today that a new enemy will quickly appear.

And appear we did! The new enemy of the 21st century was just as amorphous as the communist but markedly more 'backward', dispersed and unpredictable. At the turn of the century, the US had carte blanche to change to this new, more inscrutable enemy, and has ridden that wave through the last 20 years, spreading destruction around the world from Iraq to Libya, Syria, Yemen and, continually, with increasing barbarity, Palestine.

Endless examples elucidate the omnipresence of this destruction and dehumanization. The worst prisons in the world are for our people (Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Gilboa). In the US military, to this day, GIs love to coat their bullets in pork in an absurd attempt to trick God into sending their Muslim victims to hell.

The most advanced and carefully designed weaponry is tested and perfected on our people. Multiple countries populated almost exclusively with Arabs and Muslims have their skies patrolled by drones to the degree that children there "fear blue skies". Even in the diaspora, from France to Germany to the US, official ruling parties issue decrees that specifically target and violate our fundamental rights.

This is the backdrop for every opinion on Arabs and Muslims and their Resistance. It is in this context, of oppression, destruction, and near-universal hatred that responses to our independent political maneuvers are generated. Regardless of the West's unshakable faith in its "rationality" it needs to be said that you cannot properly understand someone you do not see as fully human.

Case in point, after October 7th, I and other Arabs were subjected to a slew of otherwise rational people asking about mass rape and baby beheadings. Even before delving into the facts of the matter, I stood stunned at the credulity of these people. Why do you believe Shani Louk was raped? Simply because she was scantily clad and near Arab men? Is that all it takes? Why do you believe in baby beheading, even conceptually? Why would you believe that such an act, which serves no political or military purpose would be carried out by what are obviously trained and disciplined fighters?

This was either extreme naivety or abject racism. In any case, even in otherwise well-meaning people, it drew a line of demarcation. A line that was not between 'Left' and 'Right' but between those who understand that every word said about an Arab in the Western media is a lie, and those who don't.

I naively expected better of the Western left, even though my entire life in America has given me evidence to the contrary. In truth, I shouldn't be surprised that this same dehumanization is at play. The American political spectrum, divided between reactionaries, liberals, and leftists, is united in not recognizing us as full political agents with a strategy and history that rivals, and sometimes even surpasses, their own. While this is expected from others, one would hope for a markedly better position from the left.

This position has echoes in the French left's abandonment of the FLN in Algeria and its slavish loyalty to the colonial regime, but its fundamental character is different. To understand it we have to go to one of Omar's most oft-repeated points:

Ultimately, the Western left’s quixotic search for a secular progressive alternative to Hamas overlooks a simple fact: at this particular historical juncture, the political forces that are still holding onto and leading a resistance agenda are not of the secular left.

I would expand on this to say: the Left's search for a non-Arab, non-Muslim resistance movement belies the fact that the center of the world revolution has been far from the West for a very long time. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, resistance has shifted from being interwoven into the fabric of Western society to something that predominantly comes from outside. The Western left, in its colonial arrogance, refuses to accept this fact, and even less the notion that, if there is a revolutionary center, it would be the Middle East.

Even among those who appreciate this revolutionary center, we are often treated as a kind of raging beast. We have an appreciable power to be sure but lack meaningful insights. These are the people who will watch our military exploits with great excitement but yawn at the impressive feats of coalition building, the slow rise to strategic equilibrium over decades, and the steady accumulation of resistance infrastructure in the world's most besieged and bombarded region. Only an arrogant Left that refuses to learn from those it sees as "lesser" could miss these monumental feats.

The fact is while we have precious few examples of a counter-hegemonic trend cohering into a political force, most are in the Middle East and none are in the West. 

A humble Left would realize that the most active political student organization on nearly every campus in the US is not a socialist club or an autonomous group but an SJP (Student of Justice in Palestine). But our arrogant Left is committed to an unwillingness to learn from and, God forbid, to take seriously and be led by the subjects of the colonial empire.

Omar ends his essay with this description of Hamas as an energetic political entity that has astutely learned from the mistakes of its predecessor, the PLO, both in warfare and negotiations. It has meticulously invested its intellectual, political, and military resources into understanding "Israel" and its psychic center of gravity. And that Whether we like it or not, Hamas is now the primary force leading the Palestinian struggle.

No one in the West likes this. This description is matched in its accuracy only by its absolute incompatibility with the West's view of "The Arab" in our entirety. The battle against Western arrogance has been an open-ended, multi-fronted war for at least 30 years. The most successful and sophisticated forces in this battle have been Arab and Muslim. Any effort to change that, to supersede this force for one that is more secular or international must begin with this realization.

Until this happens, until we, as a people, are seen as more than mere barbarians, our merits will not be understood, our successes will not be replicated, and our achievements will not be topped.

Can The US Take On Russia And China Simultaneously?

Kevin Barrett

Imagine, if you will, a cartoon fight club. The current champion, in his own mind at least, is a big, mean guy decked out in red, white and blue. Unfortunately, he’s flabby, well past his prime, and subject to bouts of senile dementia. His stage name is Uncle Sam.

Sam’s top two competitors are both bears: a fierce Russian brown bear, and a gigantic Chinese panda. The brown bear is lean, mean, and very tough: cornered, it could do immense damage. The panda is seemingly mild tempered, but it just keeps getting bigger every year. Pretty soon the humongous panda will be able to set down its paw and squash Sam like an insect, without even half trying.

What should Sam do? Should he fight one bear, then the other? Or maybe just retire and survive to collect his pension?

Or how about this potentially tragicomic ending: Sam, basking in senescent stupidity and high on his own supply of hubris, pounds his chest, arrogantly thunders out ultimatums, and insists on climbing into the ring with both bears at once.

Cartoon fight club spectators would be well advised to bet on the bears.

Geopolitics, of course, cannot be reduced to cartoonish stereotypes. But leaders of the American empire are making such recklessly unhinged, comically foolish decisions that the spectacle they are creating resembles an episode of Tom and Jerry or The Roadrunner. And of all of their misbegotten hubristic notions, their fantasy of inflicting a military defeat on Russia and China at the same time may be the looney-tooniest.

Appropriately enough, the school of thought responsible for the ongoing debacle—neoconservatism–was founded by a fan of cartoonish good-guy-vs-bad-guy entertainments. Leo Strauss, mentor of Paul Wolfowitz, loved simplistic good-vs-evil movies, especially Westerns featuring a hero in a white hat versus a villain in a black hat. Strauss taught his students, among them Wolfowitz, to employ such melodramatically simplistic narratives to brainwash the masses, while reserving for themselves the Machiavellian pursuit of power for its own sake.

In the early 1990s, when the Cold War had ended and international peace seemed at hand, Wolfowitz almost singlehandedly made sure that it wasn’t. On February 18, 1992, Wolfowitz published an internal US government document called the Defense Planning Guidance setting forth what would become known as the Wolfowitz Doctrine, according to which the US would insist on remaining the world’s sole superpower and unitary planetary hegemon in perpetuity:

Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would under consolidated control be sufficient to generate global power.

Wolfowitz’s strategic doctrine was the global equivalent of Israel’s notorious Oded Yinon plan to balkanize West Asia. Like the Israelis, who work to keep West Asian nations weak and fragmented, the post-Cold-War neocon-run USA has been striving to ensure that the whole world remains weak and fragmented.

But after the “new Pearl Harbor” deception of September 11, 2001, Israel managed to hijack the US military to attack and degrade West Asia, even as Russia was reconstituting its power under Vladimir Putin and China was riding three decades of double-digit economic growth toward superpower status.

In 2015, Russia had grown strong enough to join forces with Iran and stymie a US-directed regime change attempt targeting Syria. The media pinned a black hat on Putin, who has served as the neocon propagandists’ main “heel” (the term for the bad guy in professional wrestling) ever since.

But while Putin is cast as cartoon villain, the world’s rising #2 power and chief threat to American imperial hegemony is China. By 2020, China’s economy, adjusted for purchasing power, was already 20% larger than America’s. And its share of global manufacturing was a stunning 35%, almost three times larger than the US share.

By the time the US woke up from its Global War on Terror fever dream, which was in reality a Global War on Islam for Israel, it faced Wolfowitz’s ultimate nightmare: the (re)-emergence of two new rivals, namely Russia and China, as well as a powerful Iran still standing strong against zionism and imperialism. At that point, wiser American leaders would have abandoned their arrogant unilateralism and sought to enshrine themselves as “first among equals” in a multipolar world.

American political culture, however, is indispensably hubristic, and the neocons, by then well-entrenched in power, are the most hubristic of the lot. Rather than seeking win-win solutions, or failing that playing off one rival against the other, neocon-occupied Washington decided to maximally antagonize Russia, China, and Iran, all at the same time.

The predictable result is that those three countries have increasingly banded together, and built up formidable diplomatic alliances and military defenses, against the threat posed by the out-of-control America. In their turn, the Americans have become ever-more-alarmed and erratic in their behavior. The US-instigated war on Russia through Ukraine, the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, the likely US COVID bio-attack on China and Iran, and the murder of Iran’s great general Qassem Soleimani were all vandalistic acts of the sort expected from a drunken teenager, not the mature leadership of a great power.

The US is for all intents and purposes already engaged in a pre-emptive World War III against Russia, China, Iran, and any other power that aspires to independence. But that war remains, at least as of this writing, largely covert and deniable. The Americans pretend that it is their proxy “Ukraine” that is fighting Russia. They planted a virology institute in Wuhan and used it to blamed China for the presumed October 2019 US bio-attack. And they constantly attack Iran and its friends, in a myriad of ways, most of them covert.

As of summer 2024, the US war on Russia is becoming less covert every day. The US-controlled NATO alliance is growing ever-more-brazen in admitting who is really running the war, and ever-more-reckless in its crossing Putin’s red lines. The US strategy—to destroy Russia first, leaving China isolated and at America’s mercy—has grown increasingly militarized, and increasingly obvious to all. An all-out US-vs-Russia shooting war grows increasingly thinkable, if not inevitable.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The US orchestrated the Ukraine war to collapse Russia’s economy, which was supposed to lead to the breakup of the Russian Federation. But the world has refused to obey Uncle Sam’s sanctions edicts, and Russia has proved surprisingly resilient.

Russia’s ace in the hole, of course, is China. Beijing knows that it cannot afford to let Russia lose, because China will be next—just as Russia and Iran knew, in 2015, that they could not let Syria lose, or they would be next. So, China is using its formidable economic and technological might to help Russia maintain its strength in the face of the US-NATO onslaught.

Thus, the American leadership has found itself in the unenviable position of picking a fight with a Russia-China-Iran bloc whose combined population, GDP, military potential, resource base, manufacturing base, and technological acumen are more than a match for the self-proclaimed indispensable nation and sole superpower. In its recklessness and arrogance, the US made mortal enemies of Russia, China, and Iran—and then drove them into each other’s arms. As if that wasn’t enough, by offering all-out support to the zionist genocide of Gaza, the Americans have appalled the whole world and demonstrated their manifest unfitness to lead it.

Time is not on the Americans’ side. With every passing day, NATO’s share of global GDP declines, Russia’s position vs Ukraine improves, and military technology makes America’s former advantages, like its aircraft carriers and air defenses, increasingly obsolete. And with every additional day of genocide in Gaza, America’s soft power, based on its perceived legitimacy as chief global arbitrator, takes another hit.

Will the US attempt to save its unipolar empire by instigating all-out war with Russia and China before its strategic situation erodes any further? Such a globally catastrophic war may be closer than most people realize. Supremely reckless moves, including barely-disguised US attacks on Russian nuclear early-warning bases and ever-more-brazen endorsements of Taiwan’s imaginary independence, are coming at an ever-faster clip.

An American hot war on Russia and China would be suicidal. Russia’s resources, military technology and experience, and strategic depth, coupled with China’s industrial might, overmatch the flagging strength, weakening will, and superannuated weaponry of the declining US empire and its NATO proxies.

RussiaChinaUS imperialism