Sunday, June 09, 2024

The enemy's political resolutions do not affect Iran's economy


TEHRAN - In an analysis, Kayhan discussed the approval of a new resolution against Iran by the Europeans and quoted Zahir Esfahani, an economic analyst, as saying: According to economic experts, America has no more excuses to use against Iran, and the enemy is unable in any kind of new pressure and sanctions against Iran.

Unlike the previous periods, it seems that America does not agree with the policies of issuing a resolution against Iran. The purpose of this resolution is to increase political pressure on Iran because Iran is on the verge of elections and anti-Iranian resolutions will not cause the markets to be inflamed. In this situation where the most important issue of Iran's foreign policy is the nuclear issue, the West wants to put pressure on Iran and give signs to both the Iranian people and the elected president in order to change the political, economic, and social approach towards the goals of the West in the next four years. In the last three years, Iran has shown that it will not pay any ransom to foreign governments.

Arman-e-Melli: killing the JCPOA or the "birth of the new JCPOA"?

In a note, Arman-e-Melli investigated the aims of the West in issuing a resolution against Iran in the IAEA and wrote: It seems that the Europeans and the Americans are looking for a multifaceted project in a joint action against Iran by playing games with American think tanks. Upon political pressure, they want to call Iran a JCPOA violator and make the snapback mechanism ineffective in October 2025 so that they can implement the sanctions against our country. It seems that the Westerners are trying to manage multifaceted pressure against Iran by using the snapback mechanism and by threatening our country to be placed under Chapter 7 of Article 42 of the Security Council, to persuade Tehran to think about a new JCPOA. Of course, Iran will only think of its interests, and the indirect negotiations that Iran had with the Americans in Doha in the past indicate that Iran's hand will not be closed in this American and European scenario against our country.

Iran: Globalization of resistance discourse

In an interview with political sociologist Dr. Ali Entezari, the Iran newspaper addressed the Leader's recent letter to American students supporting Palestine. It wrote: In this letter, the Leader introduces the "resistance front" as transnational. This means that the resistance front is not only limited to West Asia and Islamic countries but covers the whole world. The world order is an order based on oppression and injustice, and the Western world uses political, military, and even intellectual tools for domination and repression in order to establish its order over the world. That is why this letter is a "hopeful letter". He promises the pro-Palestinian students that the discourse based on "world order" is declining and will be replaced by "resistance discourse". This is a true promise given by the Leader because this discourse is not for a specific territory. It is integrated and manifested in the whole world. With the focus on religion and the Quran, it will become the basis for the collapse of the oppressive system. Therefore, according to the existing world order that dominates the world, due to the resistance it creates, it also causes the revival of competing poles.

Sobh-e-No: The evil of the West against Iran has an internal strategy

In a commentary, Sobh-e-No discussed the recent anti-Iranian resolution. The paper said: Despite all the developments, some believe that this resolution follows another strategy apart from diplomatic issues, and that is an internal strategy to express the interference of the countries behind this resolution in Iran's elections. The Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency issued its anti-Iranian resolution on the eve of the presidential elections in order to prevent participation in the elections by instilling fear in the society and scaring people from the shadow of war and sanctions. It can be said that this resolution has an internal usage and an electoral signal to the Western-oriented faction, and its issuers are looking for the end of the path of honorable diplomacy that was formed by martyr Raisi and Amir Abdollahian in the 13th government. This claim is not far from the truth, and we have seen the efforts of the ambassadors and statesmen of these European countries to interfere in the country's issues in the past years. The activities of the German and English ambassadors were evident in 1401(2022), and now they are considering the opportunity for a new action and a hybrid operation against the participation and electoral unity of the people. 

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