Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lies of ‘Setanyahu’ to Increase Massacre in Gaza

By: Kayhan Int’l

With start of the 9th month of its genocide in Gaza the bestial Zionist entity, with weapons provided by the barbaric US regime of Joe Biden, massacred in cold blood on Saturday almost 210 refugees – mostly women and children – besides seriously injuring over 400 others, while Muslim countries continue to watch in treasonous silence without any thought of sending even rudimentary means of defence to protect the life of the Palestinians, who in the latest holocaust have suffered nearly 37,000 deaths in addition to more than 84,000 wounded.
Where is Islamic conscience? Why do certain Arab and other Muslim states have diplomatic ties with an illegal entity? What economic benefits their trade with Israel has provided to them? 
When will these regimes awaken their frozen consciences to heed the growing demand of their populations for rupture of all sorts of ties with usurper entity and at least appreciate the ceaseless efforts of the Axis of Resistance in carrying single-handedly the struggle to inflict the necessary damage on the Zionists to halt the ongoing holocaust?
These are some of the questions doing the rounds in Muslim circles, especially since conscientious people all over the world, including Christians and the real Semitic Jews in the US and Europe, shocked by the crimes against humanity of Israel and its equally brutal backers in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome, have denounced the terrorism of Tel Aviv and rallied to the Palestinian cause by publicly unfurling the flag of a persecuted nation and donning the kafiyas (head scarves) of a victimized people.
The ongoing campaign at universities in the West, where students, staff, and scholars have joined together to demand the freedom of Palestine from the western bank of River Jordan to the southernmost Levantine shore of the Mediterranean Sea, ought to jolt the lethargic Muslim states from their slumber.
It is not just the height of hypocrisy but outright idiocy on the part of these unrepresentative regimes to believe that one day peace will be worked out under the auspices of the US, whose hundreds of billions of dollars in economic aid and massive supply of lethal weapons, fuels the Zionist war machine in its crimes against humanity.
In other words, “Genocidal Joe” or more properly “Biden the Butcher” is complicit in the holocaust in Gaza, including Saturday’s savagery at the Nuseirat and Deir al-Blah refugee camps, which the pro-genocide American media is trying to justify for child-killer Netanyahu’s (actually Satanyahu) undocumented claim of freeing four hostages.
This is nothing but a lie. The four were never in Gaza and are not part of the over 200-odd Israelis who sought protection with the Palestinians when the Zionist army started to indiscriminately massacre the Jews as well, and killed hundreds of them.
The spurious entity’s drama to legitimize its massacre of the civilians in Gaza ought to be exposed. Benjamin Satanyahu does not want to bring back home the so-called Israeli captives, as demanded by their families and friends.
He simply wants to obliterate all of them, along with the scores of thousands of Palestinians. This is fully evident by his spurning of all offers or plans for truce and ceasefire.
To sum, the holocaust will not end in Gaza unless the homicidal clique in Tel Aviv is obliterated – perhaps by the frustrated Israelis themselves.

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